Acad. Blagovest Hristov Sendov 君
Acad. Blagovest Hristov Sendov 君

1956 | Graduated in Mathematics from Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria. |
1964 | Ph.D. in Mathematics, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria. |
1967 | Doctor of Sciences, Steclov Mathematical Institute, Moscow. |
1960 ~ 1961 | Specialization in Numerical Analysis, Moscow University, Russia. |
1968 | Specialization in Computer Science, Imperial College, London. |
1981 | Conferred the Scientific Degree "Academician". |
1956 ~ 2003 | Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor in Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, Sofia University. |
1970 ~ 1973 | Dean, Faculty of Mathematics, Sofia University. |
1973 ~ 1979 | Rector, Sofia University. |
1980 ~ 1988 | Vice-President, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. |
1988 ~ 1991 | President, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. |
1975 ~ 1990 | Member of the Bulgarian Parliament. |
1997 ~ 2003 | President and Vice-President of the Bulgarian Parliament |
From 19.12.2003 | Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to Japan. |
1980 ~ 1985 | Vice-President and President of the International Association of the Universities, now Honorary President. |
1989 ~ 1992 | President of International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), now Honorary President. |