ComSys2006 基調講演・招待講演・特別講演
Virtually: Anything is Possible! (Peter Fitzsimon 氏, Microsoft Corp.) [11/29(水) 10:45〜11:45]
- 講演者紹介
Peter Fitzsimon 氏
Peter Fitzsimon is a Technology Specialist with Microsoft’s Global Virtualization Technical Team.
Peter has been with Microsoft for over for 10 years supporting Microsoft’s partners and major customers in roles of Product Technology Specialist and Account Technology Specialist and has been involved with Windows Server and Desktop Technologies, Directories, Networking, Mobility, Security, Terminal Services and now Virtualization. He has been in the IT industry for over 26 years, and prior to Microsoft, he was a Systems Engineer with Novell, a Computer Systems Officer with the Queensland Government, and prior to that was nine years with Fujitsu as a Systems Engineer supporting Fujitsu’s mainframe, Small Business and PC networking products. His experience extends from many years on mainframe environments to the last 16 years of exclusively supporting and promoting products in the PC and server environments.
Peter holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Communications) from the Qld University of Technology, and is a keen weekend cyclist.
- 講演概要
The IT Industry is rapidly crossing over from a physical world to a virtual world where anything is possible.
No longer are organisations constrained to a physical world where the availability and boundaries of hardware
determine what they run and where they can run it, now and in the future modern organisations can procure
hardware with new economies of scale and run their business processes in virtual environments that offer new
levels of flexibility, mobility, continuity and recoverability that physical environments can only dream of.
In this talk, Peter Fitzsimon will outline the steps Microsoft are taking to enable this "brave new world" of
virtualization and discuss the benefits organisations can expect to achieve by moving to a virtual world where
anything is possible.
オンラインゲームの発展と多様化 (松原 健二 氏, 株式会社コーエー) [11/30(木) 13:00〜14:00]
- 講演者紹介
松原 健二 氏
株式会社コーエー ソフトウェア事業部 執行役員 ソフトウェア4部長
1997年には米国マサチューセッツ工科大学スローンスクール(経営大学院)を修了され、その後株式会社コーエーに移られた後、これまでに「信長の野望Online」、「大航海時代Online」、「真・三國無双BB」など著名なゲームをプロデュースして来られました。現在は、ソフトウェア事業部 執行役員 ソフトウェア4部長としてオンラインゲーム開発を担当しておられます。
- 講演概要
車載情報系組み込みOSの最新動向 (保科 健 氏, トヨタ自動車株式会社) [11/30(木) 14:20〜15:20]
- 講演者紹介
保科 健 氏
トヨタ自動車株式会社 第1電子技術部 第1電子開発室
- 講演概要
ネットワーク分散システムの大規模検証実験施設StarBED2 (篠田 陽一 氏, JAIST) [11/29(水) 16:00〜17:00]
- 講演者紹介
篠田 陽一 氏
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 教授
- 講演概要