Revision of Editing Regulation

Revision of Editing Regulation

May 23, 2016
Editorial Committee of the Journal of Information Processing

In the 607th board of directors held on March 28, 2016, the Editing Regulations was updated. The changes are related to “Multiple-Submission,” “Plagiarism,” “Change of Authors,” and “Objection for the Manuscript Rejection.” The followings show the summary of the change. For more detail, please see “Journal of Information Processing (JIP): Information for Authors.”

The ECJ shall reject a manuscript if it is decided by the ECJ that the submitted manuscript is the same as any of the following manuscripts submitted by at least one of the author(s).
(1) A manuscript under review by other journals.
(2) A manuscript which has been previously published by other journals.
Here, the decision is based on the similarity of their contents, not based on written language or appearance. In the case where the multiple-submission became obvious after its acceptance for publication, the ECJ shall withdraw the acceptance.
In case of a multiple-submission, the following penalty shall be applied.
(1) A prohibition of submitting any papers to the IPSJ within one year by any of the author(s).
(2) Submitting a written apology.
A written apology may be open to public.

The ECJ shall reject a manuscript if it is decided by the ECJ that the submitted manuscript is a plagiarism. In the case where the plagiarism became obvious after its acceptance for publication, the ECJ shall withdraw the acceptance.
In case of plagiarism, the penalty which is same with Multiple-Submission shall be applied.

(3)Change of Authors
Author(s) cannot change author name(s) listed in the manuscript. Only when a reordering of the authors and/or the change of author name(s) becomes indispensable because of the revision based on inquiries to the author(s), you may request the change of author name(s) to the ECJ. In that case, author(s) must attach “a statement of the reason for author change” when answering “the inquiries to the author(s).” Moreover, in the written responses for inquiries to the author(s), you must write the reason. The ECJ will decide its acceptance based on the appropriateness of the reason.

(4)Objection for the Manuscript Rejection
Author(s) may formally object only once to the manuscript rejection during 30 days after the rejection date. The objection must be made to the ECJ in writing.