Journal of Information Processing (JIP): Information for Authors

Journal of Information Processing (JIP): Information for Authors

Established on December 25, 2007
Revised on June 4, 2009
Revised on September 10, 2012
Revised on April 4, 2014
Revised on March 28, 2016
Revised on April 27, 2017

1. Executive Summary
The Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is a peer-reviewed online journal that is available on the J-STAGE website. Its purpose is to publish, in English, members' research results and related discussions. Reprints of articles will appear in the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Journal.

2. Publishing Articles in JIP
(1) The articles in JIP are written and contributed voluntarily by members of IPSJ. Articles include regular papers, technical notes, and printed discussions. They should be in English.
  (a) Regular papers
  Regular papers describe the results of research and development in scientific and technical areas. They should be of value to IPSJ members in terms of originality and utility.
  (b) Technical notes
  Technical notes report the latest results in research and development, or present novel technical proposals.
  (c) Printed discussions
  Printed discussions consist of questions and answers regarding regular papers or technical notes published in JIP.
(2) As of 2015, English written articles accepted by IPSJ Transactions (except TBIO, TSLDM, CVA) are also included in JIP. They will be reprinted in their original IPSJ Transactions.
(3) Articles that have been previously published or are under review by other scientific journals will not be considered for publication. In case of multiple-submissions, a penalty shall be applied to author(s) besides the rejection of articles.
(4) Authors should be IPSJ members. If an article has multiple authors, at least one of them should be an IPSJ member.
(5) The ultimate responsibility for the content of a published article lies with the author(s).

3. Submitting Manuscripts
(1) Manuscripts should preferably be in camera-ready form, with a page count consistent with the guidelines in Table 1.
(2) Manuscripts should follow the format consistent with the guidelines in Section 8. Though the format of printed discussions is not restricted, you must contact, before your submission.
(3) The IPSJ issues receipts for submitted manuscripts. This receipt contains the submission date and the paper ID of the manuscript. Inquiries about manuscripts should be made using the paper ID.
(4) Manuscript submissions should be through the Information Processing Society of Japan manuscript submission site ( ).
Related inquiries should be directed to the IPSJ secretariat at the following address:
  Attention: Journal of Information Processing
  Kagaku-Kaikan 4F, 1-5 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 JAPAN
  Tel: +81-3-3518-8372 Fax: +81-3-3518-8375

4. Processing of Submitted Manuscripts
(1) Regular papers and technical notes are subject to a blind review process. In the case of regular papers, The Editorial Committee of the Journal of Information Processing (ECJ) may send inquiries to the author(s) and consider the responses before deciding whether to accept or reject the manuscript. After the review process, the ECJ decides whether to publish the manuscripts submitted to JIP. Then, the IPSJ notifies the manuscript author(s) whether the manuscript has been accepted or rejected.
(2) The ECJ announces the acceptance of regular papers and technical notes on the IPSJ website. When they are published in JIP, the dates on which the manuscripts were received and accepted are appended.
(3) Inquiries to the author(s), which as a rule are made only once, mainly center on unclear points or mistakes in the manuscript. Responses should be sent in writing and if the manuscript has been corrected, the places changed and the reasons for the changes should be specified. If a response is not received within eight weeks of an inquiry, the ECJ will decide to reject the manuscript.
(4) If a manuscript is rejected, a notification of and the reasons for the rejection will be sent to the author(s).
(5) A manuscript submitted for publication as a regular paper or technical note can be rejected for the following reasons:
  (a) The subject of the paper lies outside the area covered by the IPSJ.
  (b) The paper contains one or more fundamental errors.
  (c) The paper lacks originality since the results described can be easily derived from published materials and knowledge. Moreover, the significant contribution to scientific and/or technical progress is unclear.
  (d) The proofs offered are unconvincing or too weak.
  (e) The description and/or organization are not sufficiently clear for readers to understand what has been achieved.
  (f) One or more of the conditions for acceptance indicated by reviewers are not satisfied.
  (g) The ECJ finds other reasons to reject the paper.
(6) Once the ECJ decides that a manuscript is a multiple-submission and/or plagiarism, a penalty shall be applied to the author(s) besides the rejection of the manuscript. See Appendix - Multiple Submission and Plagiarism for detail.
(7) Author(s) cannot change author name(s) listed in the manuscript. Only when a reordering of the authors and/or the change of author name(s) becomes indispensable because of the revision based on inquiries to the author(s), you may request the change of author name(s) to the ECJ. In that case, author(s) must attach “a statement of the reason for author change” when answering “the inquiries to the author(s).” Moreover, in the written responses for inquiries to the author(s), you must write the reason. The ECJ will decide its acceptance based on the appropriateness of the reason.
(8) Author(s) may formally object only once to the manuscript rejection during 30 days after the rejection date. The objection must be made to the ECJ in writing.
(9) Author(s) may cancel the submission of the manuscript. Cancellation must be made to the ECJ in writing. When the manuscript is under the investigation for a multiple-submission and/or plagiarism, author(s) cannot cancel it.
(10) The ECJ’s contact address:
  Attention: Journal of Information Processing
  Kagaku-Kaikan 4F, 1-5 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 JAPAN
  Tel: +81-3-3518-8372 Fax: +81-3-3518-8375

5. Notification of Publishing Decision and Reprints
(1) Once the submitted manuscript is accepted, the IPSJ sends a notification of acceptance to the author(s).
(2) When the expected publication volume is decided, the IPSJ sends notification of publication schedule and instructions for the final manuscript to the author(s). The final manuscript must be submitted accordingly.
(3) The IPSJ sends to the author(s) proofs of the article to prevent misprints. However, substantial changes to any part of the article may not be made.
(4) The article will be published in JIP and reprinted in the IPSJ Journal. A publication fee (Table 2) will be charged.
(5) The author of the published regular paper or technical note can purchase reprints of the published article. Table 3 shows the prices for reprints. A reprint request form will be sent to the author together with the proofs for proofreading. It should be filled out and sent back with the revised proofs.
(6) Submitted manuscripts and related materials in any media will not be returned.
(7) If corrections are requested, the IPSJ will publish a list of errata in JIP. An additional fee may be charged to the author(s) according to circumstances.
(8) The title, author(s) and affiliations, and the full content of the published article will appear on the J-STAGE website.

6. Copyright
All articles published in JIP are subject to the IPSJ Copyright Policy. If the author(s) cannot comply with this policy for any reason, a case in writing must be sent to
(1) Quoted figures or graphics must have permission from the owner, and the sources must be cited in the manuscript.
(2) Trademarks or registered trademarks must be credited appropriately.
(3) The author(s) must sign and return the Copyright Transfer Form sent by the IPSJ secretariat.

7. Handling of Personal Data
Author names, e-mail addresses, biographical sketches, etc. that appear in JIP will also appear in the IPSJ's digital library, on IPSJ issued CD-ROMs or other recording media, and on IPSJ approved outside sites.
If authors do not wish their personal data to appear, they are required to give notice when submitting their manuscripts.

8. Submission Format
8.1 Structure of Submitted Manuscripts
A complete manuscript submitted to JIP should have the following parts (1) - (9).
(1) Title.
(2) Author(s) and affiliation(s):
When there are two or more authors, specify the author-to-affiliation correspondence. State the following information clearly:
  (a) Whether the author(s) has IPSJ membership. Specify the member ID.
  (b) Contact details including address, phone number, and e-mail address. If there are multiple authors, specify the author whom the IPSJ should contact for correspondence.
(3) Abstract: For regular papers, this should be 200 words or less, but for technical notes, 100 words or less.
(4) Main text.
(5) Acknowledgements: These are permitted if necessary, but should be short.
(6) References: Place reference numbers to the right of the corresponding text. References should consist of materials that have been published or accepted for publication.
(7) Appendices: Appendices may be added if including their information in the main text would obscure the argument. They may include long derivations of math equations, detailed explanations of an experimental apparatus, etc.
(8) Figures. See section 8.4.
(9) Tables. See section 8.4.
8.2 Style and Layout of Manuscripts
Manuscripts for the JIP should be created by using the LaTeX style file provided by the IPSJ or by using word processors.
(1) For LaTeX manuscripts, fill out parts (1) - (9) by following the instructions attached to the style file. Note that there are restrictions on available font types and Postscript file formats. Manuscripts that violate the instructions attached to the style file may not be processed and may be returned to the author(s). The style file can be downloaded from .
(2) For word processor manuscripts, the paper size should be set to A4. The formatting should be as follows:
  (a) Double-spaced text with about 250 words per page.
  (b) Two lines for long headings.
  (c) Each of parts (1) - (9) on its own page(s).
8.3 Submission Procedure
(1) The author(s) should submit a manuscript to be reviewed through the Information Processing Society of Japan manuscript submission site ( ). Upon submission, every data field should be completed. The manuscript, including author(s), affiliation(s), or acknowledgements, should then be uploaded in a PDF format. Note that the LaTeX style file provided by the IPSJ has an option to produce a manuscript satisfying these requirements.
(2) If inquires are received, the author(s) should upload a revised manuscript and a response to the inquiries in a PDF format. In the procedures (1) and (2) written above, printing, content copying or any other editorial operation of uploaded PDF files should not be prohibited so as to make the review process easier.
8.4 Notes on Manuscripts
(1) Appending a glossary of special terms is preferable. Symbols used in the main text should be explained.
(2) The related papers written by author(s) should be cited in a manuscript or their list should be attached when submitting a manuscript. The related papers include the paper written in any languages. When the related papers are under review, you must attach their list because you cannot cite them before their publishing. If these actions are not taken, your manuscript has a chance to be decided as a multiple-submission or to be rejected.
(3) The ECJ will request author(s) to present the papers listed in (2).  
(4) References to other articles should include the author(s), title, journal name, volume, issue, page(s), and publication year. References to books should include the author(s), title, total pages, publisher, and publication year. Refer to the following examples:
Feldman, J. and Gries, D.: Translator Writing System, Comm. ACM, Vol.11, No.2, pp.77-113 (1968).
Wilkes, M. V.: Time Sharing Computer Systems, p.200, McDonald, New York (1990).
(5) Figures and tables should be serially numbered, e.g., Figure 1 or Table 1, and have self-contained captions. Figures may be grayscale and/or color. For LaTeX documents, it is possible to import Postscript files. Refer to the instructions in the style file for a description of the file format. Keep a table as concise as possible. For a long table, omit unnecessary parts, or reduce its size so that it can be typeset on one page.
The conversion ratios for printed diagrams and English words in figures and tables are as follows.

Size (mm)
English words
A. 50x34
58 words
B. 67x50
125 words
C. 100x67
250 words
D. 134x100
375 words

(6) Refer to the instructions in the style file for available fonts in LaTeX. Note that the font(s) in the published article may be different to the font(s) selected by the author(s).

Table 1. Types of articles
Publishing articles
Standard Pages
Word Counts
Regular papers Describe the results of research and development in scientific and technical areas. Should be of value to IPSJ members in terms of originality and utility.
Technical notes Report latest results in research and development or present novel technical proposals.
Printed discussions Consist of questions and answers regarding regular papers or technical notes published in JIP.
Note: Total word count includes words in titles, figures, and tables. The word count for one page is approx. 750 word.

Table 2. Fees for publishing articles (unit: yen, including tax)
Fee 12,760 25,520 38,280 51,040 63,800 76,560 89,320 102,080 121,880 141,680
Note: 19,800 JPY will be charged for each page after page 8. Fees are the same even if color printing is used.

Table 3. Prices for reprints (unit: yen, including tax)
Black and
white pages
-6 pages
-8 pages
-10 pages
-12 pages
-14 pages
-16 pages
-18 pages
-20 pages
50 copies 25,630 27,280 28,930 30,580 32,230 33,880 35,530 37,180
100 copies 37,180 40,480 43,780 47,080 50,380 53,680 56,980 60,280
150 copies 48,730 53,680 58,630 63,580 68,530 73,480 78,430 83,380
200 copies 60,280 66,880 73,480 80,080 86,680 93,280 99,880 106,480
250 copies 71,830 80,080 88,330 96,580 104,830 113,080 121,330 129,580
300 copies 83,380 93,280 103,180 113,080 122,980 132,880 142,780 152,680

Color pages
-6 pages
-8 pages
-10 pages
-12 pages
-14 pages
-16 pages
-18 pages
-20 pages
50 copies 40,480 47,080 53,680 60,280 66,880 73,480 80,080 86,680
100 copies 66,880 80,080 93,280 106,480 119,680 132,880 146,080 159,280
150 copies 93,280 113,080 132,880 152,680 172,480 192,280 212,080 231,880
200 copies 119,680 146,080 172,480 198,880 225,280 251,680 278,080 304,480
250 copies 146,080 179,080 212,080 245,080 278,080 311,080 344,080 377,080
300 copies 172,480 212,080 251,680 291,280 330,880 370,480 410,080 449,680
Note: Please let us know if you'd like to purchase reprints exceeding 20 pages or 300 copies.

Appendix - Multiple Submission and Plagiarism

Be careful not to submit a manuscript which is regarded as a multiple submission or plagiarism. A penalty shall be applied to author(s) besides the rejection of the manuscript based on Editing Regulations.

Quotes from Editing Regulations:
Article 4 (Rejection and Penalty for Multiple-Submission)
The ECJ shall reject a manuscript if it is decided by the ECJ that the submitted manuscript is the same as any of the following manuscripts submitted by at least one of the author(s).
(1) A manuscript under review by other journals.
(2) A manuscript which has been previously published by other journals.
Here, the decision is based on the similarity of their contents, not based on written language or appearance. In the case where the multiple-submission became obvious after its acceptance for publication, the ECJ shall withdraw the acceptance.
2. In case of a multiple-submission, the following penalty shall be applied.
(1) A prohibition of submitting any papers to the IPSJ within one year by any of the author(s).
(2) Submitting a written apology.
A written apology may be open to public.

Article 5 (Exception of Multiple-Submission)
Regardless of the first paragraph of Article 4, the following cases are not regarded as a multiple-submission.
(1) A multiple-submission for symposiums sponsored or co-operated by the IPSJ under the guarantee by its sponsor.
(2) A re-submission of a manuscript which has been published by scientific journals, only when the ECJ guarantees its submission for special issues.

Article 6 (Rejection and Penalty for Plagiarism)
The ECJ shall reject a manuscript if it is decided by the ECJ that the submitted manuscript is a plagiarism. In the case where the plagiarism became obvious after its acceptance for publication, the ECJ shall withdraw the acceptance.
2. In case of plagiarism, the penalty described in the second paragraph of article 4 shall be applied.

Here, “under review” written in (1) of the first paragraph in article 4 of Editing Regulation represents the period from the submission date until the acceptance/rejection date or the publication date or the cancellation date (in the case the cancellation is admitted), whichever is earlier.

When applying (2) of the first paragraph in article 4 of Editing Regulation, the following manuscript admitted as under the progress of research will not be regarded as a multiple-submission, because of the IPSJ’s policy whereby the final research result will be published as a journal paper.
a) Manuscripts presented by a National Conference, SIG-meetings, Symposiums, and International Conferences, regardless of sponsored or co-operated by the IPSJ. Their reuse must be permitted by the copyright holder.   
b) Manuscripts extended from technical notes published by the IPSJ. In this case, the technical notes will not be regarded as final research result.