Call for Papers - Special Issue of "Collaboration technologies and network services to support human well-being and prosperous lives"

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Call for papers - Special issue of "Collaboration technologies and network services to support human well-being and prosperous lives"

December 15, 2023
Updated on March 19, 2024
Editorial Committee of the Journal of Information Processing

Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is pleased to announce the call for papers for a special issue of “Collaboration technologies and network services to support human well-being and prosperous lives”.
Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, people's lives and values have undergone dramatic changes. The widespread use of videoconferencing tools and collaboration platforms has facilitated flexible approaches to work and learning, tailored to individual needs. Additionally, the rapid development of AI has garnered attention as a technology capable of providing customized services in various fields, including education and healthcare. However, have scientific and technological advancements truly made people's lives easier? The loneliness and stress individuals experience due to the ability to connect with anyone, anytime, anywhere, has become a significant concern. There are also apprehensions regarding the impact of the close relationship between AI chatbots and humans on genuine human connections, prompting a need to reconsider the connections between individuals and between individuals and society. As people’s values in society undergo a major transition, collaboration technologies and network services will play an increasingly vital role in respecting people's diversity and promoting their well-being.
 For this special issue, the editorial committee invites paper submissions on topics related to collaboration and network services to contribute to the further development of research. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to): communication and interaction, awareness, knowledge management, information sharing technologies, distributed/real-space support systems, AI/robotic applications, cyberspace and metaverse, multi-user/multi-modal interfaces, remote work/telework, cross-cultural interaction, dialogue analysis, social/administrative services, e-commerce, social media, crowdsourcing and online entertainment. Papers on theory and technology of collaboration and network service, and papers on the practice and evaluation of collaboration and network services in various fields including medicine, welfare, education, disaster prevention, and tourism are also widely invited. Prof. Takefumi Ogawa at the University of Tokyo has been invited to act as the guest editor for this issue.
Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is currently encouraging more submissions from outside of Japan.
The publication fee of any accepted papers will not be charged if all the authors of the paper belong to institutes outside Japan.

Submission Guidelines

(1) All papers must be submitted electronically. Please access the following URL and proceed under the submission instructions:

Once you have submitted your manuscript, you cannot change it.
So, you must submit the final version of your manuscript.
If, by mistake, you submitted a wrong version, please contact the IPSJ secretariat <>(Replace -at- with @).

In the event you would like to make a submission, you must first create an account on the paper submission Web page. For detailed information, please refer to the manual available from the link “Instructions & Forms” at the top of the submission page.

(2) All papers will be reviewed. The review process will be carried out in the same manner as regular issues. However, you have shorter time than usual (eight weeks) for preparation of your responses to inquiries.

(3) Submission deadline is March 25, 2024 April 8, 2024. *Deadline extended

(4) The special issue will be published on the J-Stage website in January, 2025. Preprint will be published on the IPSJ Journal in January, 2025.

(5) The editorial committee of this special issue
Editor in-Chief: Takefumi OGAWA (Univ. of Tokyo)
Editorial Board Member: Akihiro MIYATA (Nihon Univ.), Taku FUKUSHIMA (Osaka Inst. of Tech.)
Editorial Committee Members: Kazuyuki ISO (Tokyo Information Design Professional Univ.), Yusuke ICHIKAWA (Saitama Univ.), Junko ICHINO (Tokyo City Univ.), Satoshi ICHIMURA (Otsuma Women's Univ.), Junko ITOU (Wakayama Univ.), Akifumi INOUE (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.), Tomoo INOUE (Univ. of Tsukuba), Hironori EGI (Univ. of Electro-Comm.), Hiroki ECHIGO (SoftBank Corp.), Kouyou OTSU (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Masao OHIRA (Wakayama Univ.), Seiji OKAJIMA (Fujitsu), Kenichi OKADA (Keio Univ.), Masayuki OKAMOTO (Toyota Motor Corp.), Hideaki KANAI (JAIST), Nobutaka KAWAGUCHI (Hitachi, Ltd), Yasue KISHINO (NTT), Kenro GO (SoftBank Corp.), Tomohiro KOKOGAWA (International Professional Univ. of Tech. in Tokyo), Minoru KOBAYASHI (Meiji Univ.), Noriaki SAITO (Tokyo Online Univ.), Kosuke SASAKI (Chuo Univ.), Hidekazu SHIOZAWA (Tamagawa Univ.), Hirohiko SUWA (NAIST), Taichi SONO (Nagasaki Univ.), Kentaro TAKASHIMA (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Atsuo HAZEYAMA (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), Akira HATTORI (Komazawa Univ.), Takafumi HIGASHI (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Hiroyuki MIKI (Oki Consulting Solutions Co., Ltd.), Mikihiko MORI (Hosei Univ.), Takaya YUIZONO (JAIST), Hideto YUZAWA (Fujifilm), Takashi YOSHINO (Wakayama Univ.)

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