Code of Ethics of the IPSJ

Code of Ethics of the IPSJ


In recognition of information technologies having powerful and pervasive influence over society across national borders, and in the hope that information technologies will contribute to society and promote public welfare, we, the members of the Information Processing Society of Japan, shall abide by the following rules of conduct together with any applicable laws and orders in our research, development and use of information technologies.

1. As members of society:

We shall not cause harm to the life, safety and property of others.
We shall respect the person and privacy of others.
We shall honor intellectual property rights and the fruits of intellectual endeavors of others.
We shall observe the operational standards and rules of information systems and networks.
We shall give due consideration to cultural diversity in society.

2. As professionals:

We shall continuously strive to improve our professional competence and put in our best efforts in performing our professional works.
We shall honor facts and data.
We shall give due consideration to the influence and risks information technologies may impose upon society and users.
We shall honor contracts and agreements with clients and preserve the confidentiality of clients' privileged information.

3. As organizational leaders:

We shall meet the demands of all persons affected by the development and operation of information systems and give due consideration to preserving their dignity.
We shall, in interconnecting different information systems, acknowledge the existence of information systems with differing management policies, and give due consideration to such interconnection not causing harm to the person of any and all individuals.
We shall prepare rules for the proper and appropriate exploitation of resources with respect to the development and operation of information systems, and assume the responsibility of implementing such rules.
We shall provide opportunities to other members of organizations to which we belong to be educated in the principles, limitations and risks of information technologies.


This Code of Ethics will not necessarily be applicable to all situations a member would face, and it may conflict with other codes of ethics governing different areas of research, or it may be unclear which provision(s) hereof should govern in a given situation (including the case where certain provisions hereof conflict with each other with respect to a specific conduct). Therefore, it is the responsibility of each member himself or herself to make a determination as to the selection, prioritizing, etc., of the provision(s) hereof which should govern in a specific situation.


  1. This Code of Ethics shall come into effect on 20 May, 1996.
  2. The Information Processing Society of Japan shall establish a committee, as needed, for the purpose of interpreting or reconsidering this Code of Ethics.