
第60回 数理モデル化と問題解決研究会


日 程: 平成18年6月26日(月)
会 場: Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

主 催: 情報処理学会数理モデル化と問題解決研究会(MPS)

共 催:International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'06)

議 題:

(1)Discrimination of Lung Sounds using a Statistics of Waveform Intervals
T. Orihashi, H. Shono, and S. Kido,Yamaguchi University

(2)A Grey-Based Approach to Suppliers Selection Problem
G.-D. Li, D.Yamaguchi, and M. Nagai, Graduate School of Science and Engineer, Teikyo University

(3)Extraction for Frequent Sequential Patterns with Minimum Varaible-Wildcard Regions
T. Kato, H. Kitakami, M. Takaki, K. Tamura, Y. Mori, and S. Kuroki,Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University

(4)Evaluation of a New Eigen Decomposition Algorithm for Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices
H. Tsuboi, T. Konda, M. Takata, M. Iwasaki, and Y. Nakamura, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University

(5)An Approach to Reasoning in an Artificial Chemistry
Kazuto Tominaga, School of Computer Science, Tokyo University of Technology

(6)Simulation of Traffic Flow Through Bottleneck
H. Shimizu, T. Tamaki, and E. Kita, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University

(7)Design of an Integrated Database System for Short-term Earthquake Prediction
C. Ishikawa, H. Kamo, N. Nide, K. Joe, Dept. of Advanced Information & Computer Sciences, Nara Women's University

(8)Gatau: A 3D Visualization System for Intuitive Analysis of Atmospheric Science
E. Touma, K. Yamauchi, H. Kamo, N. Nide, S. Hayashida, K. Joe, Dept. of Advanced Information & Computer Sciences, Nara Women's University

(9)Design and Implementation of Gatau API for HDF-EOS
K. Yamauchi, E. Touma, H. Kamo, N. Nide, S. Hayashida, K. Joe, Dept. of Advanced Information & Computer Sciences, Nara Women's University

(10)Another RSS Reader with Visualization of Structured Documents and Effective Navigation
S. Hara, H. Kamo, N. Nide, K. Joe, Dept. of Advanced Information & Computer Sciences, Nara Women's University

(11)Verification of dLVv Transformation for Singular Vector Computation with High Accuracy
M. Takata, K. Kimura, and Y. Nakamura, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University

(12)Preliminary Result of Parallel double Divide and Conquer
T. Konda, H. Tsuboi, M. Takata, M. Iwasaki and Y. Nakamura, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University

(13)Dynamic Load Balancing Technique for Modified PrefixSpan on a Grid Environment with Distributed Worker Model
M. Takaki, K. Tamura and H. Kitakami, Hiroshima City University

(14)Implementation of PC Cluster System with Menory Mapped File by Commodity OS
J. Kanai, T. Mori, T, Araki, N. Tanabe, H. Nakajo, and M. Namiki, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

(15)Implementable Models of SMT Processor into FPGA
I. Tate, Y. Ogasawara, M. Sato, K. Sasada, K. Uchikura, K. Asano, S. Watanabe, M. Namiki, and H. Nakajo, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

(16)Towards Reconfigurable Cache Memory for a Multithreaded Processor
Y. Ogasawara, I. Tate, S. Watanabe, M. Sato, K. Sasada, K. Uchikura, K. Asano, M. Namiki, and H. Nakajo, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

(17)Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles in Faulty Burnt Pancake Graphs
K. Kaneko, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology