
第55回 数理モデル化と問題解決研究会


(主査:北 栄輔、幹事:廣安知之、古瀬慶博、藤本典幸、小林 聡)

日  程: 平成17年6月28日
会  場: Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
連絡先 : 〒630-8506 奈良市北魚屋西町
       城 和貴
       Tel/FAX: 0742-20-3443
       E-mail: joe@ics.nara-wu.ac.jp

議  題

(1) Approximate Technique for Queuing Network for Evaluating Performance of Computer Systems with Small Rate of Resource Requirements
   Toshiyuki Kinoshita(東京工科大)

(2) Development of a Thread Scheduler for SMT Processor Architecture
   K. Uchikura, K. Sasada, Mi. Sato, Y. Kato, N. Yamato, H. Nakajo, and M. Namiki(東京農工大)

(3) An algorithm of feeder arrangements and pickup sequencing of component placement machine on printed circuit board
   T. Yamada, R. Miyashiro, and M. Nakamori(東京農工大)

(4) A new model of reconfigurable cache for an SMT processor and its FPGA Implementation
   Y. Ogasawara, N. Kato, M. Yamato, M. Sato, K. Sasada, K. Uchikura, M. Namiki, and H. Nakajo(東京農工大)

(5) A heuristic algorithm for extended model of RCPSP
   H. Kusakabe, and M. Nakamori(東京農工大)

(6) An Efficient Algorithm for Approximate Solution of the Vector Cost Assignment Problem
   S. Sakakibara, and M. Nakamori(東京農工大)

(7) An Evaluation of Singular Value Computation by the Discrete Lotka-Volterra System
   Masami Takata, Kinji Kimura, Masashi Iwasaki, and Yoshimasa Nakamura(京大)

(8) Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Schemata Exploiter
   T. Maruyama, and E. Kita(名大)

(9) A Packet Forwading Layer for DIMMnet and its Hardware Implementation
   Y. Hamada, H. Nishi, S. Kitamura, N. Tanabe, H. Amano, and H. Nakajo(東京農工大)

(10)Construction and Evaluation of Kansei Information Processing Systems based on K-Model
   T.Akabane, D.Yamaguchi, G.D.Li, K.Mizutani, M.Nagai(帝京大)

(11) A Restricted Sample Distribution of Simple Deterministic Languages and its Learnability
   Yasuhiro Tajima and Yoshiyuki Kotani(東京農工大)