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最終更新日:2004.05.24 |
ACM Digtal Library協定書 |
Agreement Between the ACM Digital Library subscriptions
for IPSJ members Purpose: A cooperative business agreement between ACM and IPSJ to allow members of IPSJ to subscribe to the ACM Digital Library (DL). The agreement is designed to protect current and future individual memberships in both ACM and IPSJ. Objectives: To extend the individual subscription base of the ACM DL beyond the ACM membership to members of IPSJ who are not currently ACM members. It is expected that this will: 1. Provide a valuable service to a broader community of IT professionals and students by extending access to the DL beyond the ACM membership to IPSJ members. 2. Introduce IPSJ members to a range of ACM activities (and vice versa), with the potential to foster new ACM/IPSJ individual member collaborations in publications, conferences, working groups, and other technical activities. 3. Serve to foster other agreements between ACM and IPSJ, such as incorporating
IPSJ technical material in the DL, thus making such material available
to the global ACM community. 5. Serve as an additional revenue source for IPSJ, through royalties on DL subscriptions sold to IPSJ members. Implementation: A. ACM DL Subscription Rates / Royalties Any IPSJ member (in any non-student membership grade) will be able to subscribe to the ACM DL at an annual rate equal to the rate that ACM professional members pay for the DL (e.g. $87 U.S. as of July 1, 1999). ACM is also pleased to offer IPSJ a 30% royalty for each DL subscription sold to IPSJ (non-student) members. Any IPSJ student member will be able to subscribe to the ACM DL at an annual rate equal to the rate that ACM student members pay (e.g. $20 U.S. as of July 1, 1999). At this student rate, there are no royalties paid to IPSJ. B. IPSJ members will subscribe to the DL via the ACM "e-store" on the ACM Web site. Such subscriptions will be coded for tracking purposes. C. IPSJ will promote the DL subscriptions to its members. ACM will not directly promote the DL (or any other ACM programs, products and services) to IPSJ members without the approval of IPSJ. Both societies will agree on a plan for a strong promotional campaign and collaborate on the design of DL promotional materials and activities. D. ACM will provide IPSJ with an accounting of DL subscriptions sold via the ACM "e-store" at a time interval agreed to by both parties, e.g. quarterly. ACM will also send the royalty payments to the IPSJ at an agreed to time interval, e.g. quarterly. Agreement Term and Cancellation: This agreement will be effective July 28, 1999 to be implemented as soon
as possible, and will continue unless cancelled. Either party may cancel
the agreement by giving the other party 90 days written notice. Any IPSJ
member subscriptions to the DL in effect at the time of cancellation will
continue until the expiration date of such subscriptions.