【講演概要】CCF keeps pursuing the diversity and innovation in CCF, while the diversity in terms of gender, age, discipline, regions, schools, enterprises, and etc., to provide service for the diversity of individuals. For example, for female members, CCF has a Committee for Women in Computing, organizing “Beauty of Computing” Forum every year; for young members, CCF established YOCSEF(Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum)in 1998, with one headquarter and 27 branches of YOCSEF to host Young Elite Forum and more than 150 forums & conferences annually all over the country; moreover, in order to keep disciplines balance, launched programs to support those unpopular majors.
For the diversity of enterprises, CCF set up the Committee for Enterprises & Practitioners, through CTO Club, and Tech Frontier series training respectively targeted at CTO and technical personnel in enterprises; also established Committee on Standards, to promote group standards for the need of leading companies in computing.
This session will share some initiatives and achievements to ensure diversity in CCF.
【略歴】Mei Hong is the President of CCF and a CCF Fellow, a Professor at Peking University. He is a Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences: for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS), a Foreign Member of Academia Europaea, and a Fellow of IEEE. Mei Hong focuses on the research of software engineering and system software with more than 200 papers published, and made series of achievements in component-based software middleware, development methodology and tool environment.