情報処理学会第85回全国大会 会期:2023年3月2日~4日 会場:電気通信大学

An accountable blockchain-based Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform
○陳 星星,相田 仁(東大)
Self-Sovereign Identity(SSI) is a new identity-management paradigm that enables people, organizations and things to hold, manage and control their own digital credentials. Currently, many organizations including governments, enterprises, and start-ups such as Trinsic, Affinidi, Jolocom have contributed a bunch of work on the design and development of SSI applications. Issuing digitized credentials without depending on a centralised authority for trust management among interacting entities has the advantage of complying with privacy regulations. However, not capturing the exchange data of transactions also goes against the compliance and accountability principles. We proposed a web-based SSI management platform using blockchain and ZKP to protect the privacy of involved entities, and extend our service to support the auditing of the exchange data between entities which can serve as reliable and authentic evidence of transactions after the fact.