情報処理学会 第84回全国大会 会期:2022年3月3日~5日 情報処理学会 第84回全国大会 会期:2022年3月3日~5日

BIM-Based Virtual Environment for Reverberation Time Analysis
○黄 熙芃,武永咲紀,及川靖広(早大)
BIM can store all physical information about building components. BIM based multi-perspective audio data visualization is of great significance for architects to control the acoustic parameters of rooms in real time during the design process. This research utilizes Revit API interface functions, through the extraction of building component parameters and the construction of algorithms, to establish the channel of reverberation time analysis between Unity and Revit, and presents the results in interactive virtual reality. The results show the influence of this system on decision making in the design process, and provide data and performance support for future development.