情報処理学会 第84回全国大会 会期:2022年3月3日~5日 情報処理学会 第84回全国大会 会期:2022年3月3日~5日

SCORPION - Slide Coordinator to Review Presentation Items Optimally and Nonverbally
○Ran Thawonmas,市村真希,高田秀志(立命館大)
Online presentations have become more common as a result of the pandemic. However, there are no applications or software that enable users to optimise remote feedback of presentation materials. We propose a simplified social media application for users to edit PowerPoint materials without seeing each other face-to-face to determine if it is quicker, less distracting, and more satisfactory than the conventional means, LINE. After a series of experiments, we have discovered that the proposed system makes editing quicker and less distracting than LINE. However, it should have more features to give users more satisfaction than LINE when reviewing PowerPoint materials.