情報処理学会 第84回全国大会 会期:2022年3月3日~5日 情報処理学会 第84回全国大会 会期:2022年3月3日~5日

AR Radar: New Visualization Way to Support the COVID-19 Prevention in the Shopping Mall
○呉 立刻,田中二郎(早大)
The covid-19 pandemic has shocked the retail industry. Shopping malls suddenly had no customers since the world had to lock itself down to prevent the virus's spreading. As retailers grapple with the repercussions of the pandemic, they are also accelerating their plans to find ways to bring customers back safely. To solve the inefficiency of the shopping mall for virus prevention and control, create a safe shopping experience. We proposed an augmented reality to prevent the spread of the virus at shopping malls. The user study has validated the value and usability of this system.