Big Data in China |
会場:第1イベント会場(6号館 334 多目的ホール)
【講演概要】With the rapid technology development and adoption of cloud computing, mobile Internet, Internet of Things, and other networking technologies, our society has entered the era of Big Data, where massive and heterogeneous amount of data keep generated and circulated from daily basis. This talk will describe the current status and progress of Big Data in China, in the following three aspects. From governmental policy perspective, the Chinese government has announced the National Strategy on Big Data, building up digital China, and nurturing and developing digital economy. Under this strategy, various industries are encouraged to actively promote their enterprises’digital transformation, networked restructuring, and AI-powered enhancement, facilitating the deep integration between Big Data and real economy. From R&D perspective, in the National Key Research and Development Program of China, several technical directions are deployed to enhance both the fundamental and application research of Big Data in China, including cloud computing and big data infrastructure, cloud-based/data-driven novel software, big data analysis, andhuman-cyber-physical computing. From industrial application perspective, many successful applications of big data technologies on Internet based e-commerce services have been witnessed.Meanwhile, driven by Big Data, e-government, industrial Internet for manufacturing, healthcare services and many others are having huge potentials to be the new growth market in the future, which are now attracting much attention from different industries in China.This talk will also describe the significant role and impact of China Computer Federation (CCF) in the National Big Data Strategy. 【略歴】Hong MEI is a professor of computer science at Peking University, the director of Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies of Ministry of Education (MOE) at PKU. He received a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (NUAA) in 1984 and 1987 respectively, and a Doctorate degree in Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1992. He is a CCF Fellow and the president of China Computer Federation (CCF). |