情報処理学会 第82回全国大会 会期:2020年3月5日~7日 会場:金沢工業大学 扇が丘キャンパス 情報処理学会 第82回全国大会 会期:2020年3月5日~7日 会場:金沢工業大学 扇が丘キャンパス
CC2020: Computing Curricula 2020プロジェクト
会場:第4イベント会場(23号館 330)
【セッション概要】情報系のカリキュラムを俯瞰する国際プロジェクトCC2020を紹介する.CC2020は,ACMとIEEE-CSが主スポンサーとなっており,Computer Engineering (CE), Computer Science (CS), Information Systems (IS), Information Technology (IT), Software Engineering (SE), CyberSecurity (CSec)の各カリキュラムガイドラインを俯瞰し,CC2005を更新することを目的としている.なお,CC2005の報告書は,「情報専門学科におけるカリキュラム標準J07」の土台となっている.本イベントでは,CC2020の概要とともに,今後のカリキュラム作成の方向性の中心として提唱するコンピテンシと,カリキュラムガイドライン理解支援ツールに関する講演を行う.なお,各発表は英語で行われるが,日本語による質問を受け付ける.
司会:高田 眞吾 (慶應義塾大学 理工学部情報工学科 教授)
9:30-9:50 講演(1) The CC2020 Project
Parrish Allen (Mississippi State University, USA)
【略歴】Allen S. Parrish is Associate Vice President for Research and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Mississippi State University. Dr. Parrish works with internal and external university constituencies to facilitate research collaboration and to enhance MSU's research portfolio. Dr. Parrish was previously Professor of Cyber Science and Founding Chair of the Department of Cyber Science at The United States Naval Academy, where he helped to start the cyber operations program. During his tenure there, the program became one of the first four ABET accredited cybersecurity programs in the country and grew to be one of the largest programs at the academy. Prior to Navy, Dr. Parrish served
for 26 years on the faculty at The University of Alabama in a variety of roles, including Professor of Computer Science, Associate Vice President for Research, and Founding Director of the Center for Advanced Public Safety. Throughout his career, Dr. Parrish has obtained approximately well over 200 funded projects totaling over $100M from a variety of state and federal sponsors, and is active in both research and computing education. Dr. Parrish received a Ph.D. in computer and information science from The Ohio State University.
9:50-10:10 講演(2) What is competency?
Clear Alison (Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand 准教授)
【略歴】Alison Clear is an Associate Professor and Programme Leader at the Auckland campus of the Eastern Institute of Technology. She has an extensive academic and professional career that has involved academic leadership in research, scholarship, teaching and curriculum development nationally and internationally and an extensive publication record in national and international conferences and journals in computing and information technology. Her research interests include Computing Curriculum development, Women and Computing, ICT in developing countries, elearning implementation and the development of computing education. Alison is an invited international keynote speaker, has been a member of the international ACM Educational Council, member and vice chair of the ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education and Fellow of the Institute of Information Technology Professionals (IITP) and Fellow of the Computing and Information Technology Research and Education in New Zealand (CITRENZ). She is currently co-leading the international research project CC2020 of 46 people from 20 countries to redefine the computing curricula for 2020 forward.
10:10-10:30 講演(3) How do we implement the curriculum?
Pears Arnold (KTH, Sweden 教授)
【略歴】Arnold Pears received his BSc(Hons) in 1986 and PhD in 1994, both from La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. He occupied positions as lecturer and senior lecturer at La Trobe University between 1991 and 1998. In 1999 he was appointed as senior lecturer at Uppsala University, Sweden. He was awarded the Uppsala University Pedagogy Prize in 2008, and appointed as Docent (Associate Professor of Computing Education Research) in May 2011. Dr Pears has published over 40 articles in computing and engineering education research and is well known internationally as a computing education researcher where he has made significant contributions to the development of research methods and understanding of student learning in computer science and engineering. In this project he contributes through his research expertise in exploring conceptual development and self-efficacy in individuals and groups.
Topi Heikki (Bentley University, USA 教授)
【略歴】Heikki Topi is Professor and Chair of Computer Information Systems and Interim Chair of Information and Process Management at Bentley University. His Ph.D. in Management Information Systems is from Indiana University. His research focuses on systems development methodologies, information systems education, and human factors and usability in the context of enterprise systems. His research has been published in journals such as European Journal of Information Systems, JASIST, Information Processing & Management, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of Database Management, and others. He is co-author of Modern Database Management and Essentials of Database Management, co-editor of IS Management Handbook and Computing Handbook: Information Systems and Information Technology, and co-editor of the Education Department of Communications of the AIS. He has been actively involved in global computing curriculum development and evaluation efforts since early 2000s (including IS2002, CC2005 Overview Report, CC2020 and as task force co-chair of IS2010 and MSIS2016, the latest IS curriculum revisions). He served earlier on ACM's Education Board and Council and on CSAB's Board of Directors, and he is currently Vice President of Education for Association for Information Systems.
10:30-10:50 講演(4) The Computing Tool
Van Der Veer Gerrit (Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, Netherlands 教授)
【講演概要】学部の情報系カリキュラムガイドラインの利用者向けにツールを開発中である.様々な利用者を想定しており,それぞれの利用者のニーズに沿う予定である.例えば,(1) 将来の学生とその親および現在の大学生に対してはどのように大学やコースを選ぶか,(2) 教員に対してはカリキュラムやコースを開発するための構造や内容としてどのようなものがあるか,(3) 教育に関わる省庁等の関係者に対しては情報系カリキュラムにおける大学の教育の質をどのように評価するか,(4) 産業界に対しては採用にあたりどのような教育水準を要求すべきか,そして最も適合するカリキュラムは何かを理解することである.利用者は,インタラクティブで直感的な操作を通して,知識ドメインや領域,スキルレベル,そしてディスポジションなどに関するグラフ等の可視化を得ることができる.教育に関わる省庁等の関係者は,ガイドラインの内容や構造に基づき,自らカリキュラムを指定することができ,大学のカリキュラムの質の評価やアクレディテーションのために利用することが可能となる.
【略歴】Gerrit van der Veer has been a university researcher and teacher at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam since 1961. He started in Cognitive Psychology, moved to Ergonomics, and into Computer Science, specializing in interaction design. He has been teaching in many European countries including Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Romania, and the Netherlands, as well as in China. His research concerns user centered design methods, task modeling, individual differences, cultural differences, mental models, cultural heritage, and visualization. He is currently working for the Dutch Open University Faculty of Computer Science, the Dutch University of Twente Department of Human-Media Interaction, the University of Sassari (Italy) Faculty of Architecture, the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts (China) Department of Multimedia and Animation, and the Maritime University of Dalian (China) Faculty of Computer Science. Gerrit has been President of ACM SIGCHI, the world leading international society for human-computer interaction, from 2009-2015.
11:00-11:20 講演(5) Demonstration of the tool
【講演概要】本発表では,カリキュラムに関連した各種要素を管理し,可視化するツールの概要について述べる.ツールのアーキテクチャは,可視化やバックエンドなど現在実装されている部分を中心に述べる.ツールが支援する機能には次がある:(1) 情報全体と,情報系分野間における各種構成要素の定義,(2) カリキュラム設計におけるコンピテンシに基づいた方法の視点を理解し管理する機能,(3) カリキュラムの各種要素を比較する機能,(4) カリキュラム記述の分類案を提示する機能.また,開発中のツールのプロトタイプの一部の機能のデモを行う.今後のツールに導入される自然言語処理や機械学習に関わる機能も紹介する.CC2020プロジェクトそのものには期限があるため,ツールはプロトタイプで終了する見込みである.しかし,CC2020の遺産としてツールは非常に重要であり,プロジェクトそのものが終了した後も,クラウドソーシングと“継続的な知識体系の改良”を基に発展させる予定である.本発表が,産官学など多方面の専門家が自らのアイディアや経済的支援を提供するきっかけとなり,将来の情報教育に対する投資が起きることを願う.
Waguespack Les (Bentley University, USA 教授)
【略歴】Les Waguespack, Ph.D. in CS, is Professor of the Computer Information Systems Department, 35 years at Bentley University, USA with 75+ journal and conf articles: computing curriculum, OOSE, and Springer books on modeling and design: Thriving Systems Theory and Metaphor-Driven Modeling (2010) and Designing Thriving Systems (2019). He serves as past president of EDSIG-AITP.
Babb Jeff (West Texas A&M University, USA 准教授)
【略歴】Dr. Jeffry Babb is an Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems at West Texas A&M University, USA. He has published articles in areas of software team process improvement, privacy, and computing curricula. He serves as the current president of AITP-EDSIG.
11:20-11:40 講演(6) More from the Toolbox
Cuadros-Vargas Ernesto (UTEC, Peru 教授)
【略歴】Prof. Dr. Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Sao Paulo-Brazil in 2004. He is currently the Head of the School of Computer Science at the Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia in Lima, Peru. Before that, he was the Head of the School of Computer Science at San Pablo Catholic University en Arequipa Peru (2005-2016). His main research areas are Higher Education in Computing Programs, Similarity Information Retrieval, Access Methods and Neural Networks. He is a founding member of the Peruvian Computer Society (SPC), was its president in 2001-2007 and 2009. He is an elected member of the Board of Governors of IEEE Computer Society (2020-2022). He has also served on the IEEE Education Activities Board (2006-2009) and Steering Committee of CS2013.
Vichare Abhijat (ACM India, India 教授)
【略歴】Abhijat has been computing for more than 25 years, equally in academia and industry. Apart from serving educational institutions around Pune, India, he is also a member of the CC2020 steering committee.
11:40-12:00 講演(7) The CC2020 Report
【講演概要】本発表は,CC2020の報告書「Computing Curricula 2020: Paradigms for Future Computing Curricula」について述べる.報告書はこれまでの発表にあげてきたコンピテンシ,情報系カリキュラムの実現,ツールなどを含んでいる.また,情報系教育の歴史的背景,情報系分野の有用な記述,コンピテンシに基づいた教育の実現についても述べている.情報系分野の進化が情報系の学部教育に影響を与えている昨今において,情報系の学部教育の記述・比較を可能とするフレームワークを通して,報告書は今後,学生,産業界,学界を含めた世界中の各方面が参照するガイドラインの提供元になると考える.報告書は7章と付録からなる.本文は,導入,情報系教育の進化,知識ベースの教育,コンピテンシベースの教育,情報系教育のための可視化,グローバルな検討事項,CC2020プロジェクトが掲げた事項の実現に向けての道筋について記述している.付録では,様々なスキルのフレームワーク,コンピテンシの例,分野ごとのカリキュラム例,用語集などからなる.
Impagliazzo John (Hofstra University, USA 名誉教授)
【略歴】John Impagliazzo, a steering committee member of the CC2020 project, is professor emeritus in School of Engineering and Applied Science at Hofstra University. He was chair of the committee that produced the computer engineering curricular report (CE2016) and was a principal co-author of the committee that produced the CE2004 report. He was an active member of the CC2005 project, allowing him to be a valued resource and contributor to the CC2020 project. He was also a member of the executive committee of a parallel project for information technology (IT2017). Impagliazzo is an IEEE Fellow, an IEEE Life Member, an ACM Distinguished Educator, and a CSAB Fellow.
Wang Pearl (George Mason University, USA 准教授)
【略歴】Dr. Pearl Wang is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at George Mason University and is a founding member of the CS department. She has been involved in a GMU Students as Scholars sponsored project to enable and encourage computer science undergraduates to participate in research and scholarly activities with CS department faculty. Her research areas have included sequential and parallel algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, and interconnection networks for massively parallel systems. She has served on the organizing and steering committees of several professional conferences, and was the General Chair of the Fourth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation. She has also been a member of numerous conference program committees and served on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, and the European Journal of Operational Research. Dr. Wang is a member of the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET and is Past President of CSAB.