Evaluation of Possibility of Expanding Sharing Bicycle Port Network using Existing Privately Owned Public Space by Space Syntax
○周 澄懐,神武直彦(慶大)
With the increasingly of popularity of sharing bicycles as an urban transportation, the lacking of sharing bicycle port comes as a new problems. For Yokohama City with a population over 3 million citizen, currently only equipped with 70 ports. In the meantime, over 700 privately owned public space in Yokohama remained a low use rate with its This research taking Yokohama as a example to study the possibility of utilising privately owned public space to expand the existing Yokohama BayBike System network.Space syntax analysis has already been evaluated as a useful tool for network assessment on the basis of its potential to predict patterns of travel over different network configurations, and represents the importance of segments to the connectivity or completeness of the network. And it will combined with the hub location inventory model for sharing bicycle, to check if the location will be suitable as a sharing bicycle port.