Preliminary investigation of co-occurrence rule extraction from multi-modal animal locomotion data
○田 一鳴,前川卓也,天方大地,原 隆浩(阪大),松本祥子,依田 憲(名大),藤岡慧明,濱井郁弥(同志社大),福井 大(東大),飛龍志津子(同志社大)
This paper performs a preliminary investigation of a method for extracting frequent patterns from multi-modal time-series data obtained from a moving object.
Due to the recent advance in sensing technologies, we can measure trajectories of animals from GPS modules as well as time-series sensor data related to locomotion from environmental and bio-sensors using small sensor nodes attached to the animals.
The proposed method first segments time-series data, i.e., trajectory and sensor data, into multiple modes, and then extracts cross-modal frequent patterns from the segmented time-series.
For example, we extract a rule describing that a ``local search'' mode extracted from trajectory data usually co-occurs with a ``stress'' mode extracted from bio-sensor data.

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