FIT2013第12回情報科学技術フォーラム 開催日:2013年9月4日(水)~6日(金) 会場:鳥取大学鳥取キャンパス
Road Crack Detection for Making Complex Road Surface Drivable Functions
Chinthaka Premachandra(Tokyo University of Science)・H. Waruna H. Premachandra(Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)・Chandana Dinesh Parape(Kyoto University)
This paper presents an image processing based automatic road crack detection method to develop complex road surface drivable functions for vehicles. First, the road areas which include cracks are extracted as crack images regarding the pixel variance of the road image. Then cracks are extracted from crack images by introducing a method on sample variance calculation and discriminant analysis. According to experiments using different road images, the new proposal is effective in detecting road cracks.