Study of Structure from Motion Based 3D Reconstruction and Surface Mosaic of Internal Organs from an Endoscopic Video Sequence.
◎Mengyao Duan・Rong Xu・Jun Ohya(Waseda University)
Endoscope is quite an essential tool for physical examination, especially for
the stomach. Since doctors can observe the internal disease accurately by
utilizing this delicate instrument, it is also becoming more popular in
clinical surgery. However, endoscopic images can only provide 2D information
of an organ in a limited viewing angle, in order to obtain the 3D internal
structure of the gastric, here we propose a method to reconstruct the 3D
structure of gastric from endoscopic sequence and expand the observation
range. In the proposed method, SIFT features make a significant contribution
to 3D reconstruction and surface mosaic. Depth testing method and poisson surface reconstruction achieve a satisfied visual effect.