FIT2013第12回情報科学技術フォーラム 開催日:2013年9月4日(水)~6日(金) 会場:鳥取大学鳥取キャンパス
A Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for Detecting a Singleton Attractor in an AND/OR Boolean Network with Bounded Treewidth
The Boolean network (BN) is known as a discrete mathematical model of gene regulatory networks.
We consider the problem of finding a singleton attractor of a given BN, where a singleton attractor corresponds to a stable state of the network.
We present a fixed-parameter algorithm for detection of a singleton attractor in an AND/OR BN with bounded treewidth,
where an AND/OR BN is an BN in which gene regulation functions (Boolean functions) are restricted to be conjunctions and disjunctions of literals.