情報処理学会グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会ニュースレター IPSJ-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN GN グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会          GN GN             ニュースレター No.144 (2013.3.25) GN GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-IPSJ-GN 情報処理学会 グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会 では,会員 およびそれに準ずる皆様へ,最新のイベント情報を抜粋して,毎月ニュース レターとしてお届けします. GNGNGN *** これからのGN研究会関連予定 *** 開催日 会議名 会場 2013年 5月16日(木)~ 5月17日(金) 第88回GN研究会 電気通信大学 2013年 7月10日(水)~ 7月12日(金) DICOMO2013 十勝川温泉ホテル大平原 2013年 9月11日(水)~ 9月13日(金) 第89回GN研究会 金沢工業大学 2013年11月21日(木)~11月22日(金) GNワークショップ2013 未定   ★ http://www.ipsj.or.jp/sig/gw/ もご覧下さい. ========================================================================== ■目次■ ★01 論文誌「社会活動に協調する技術とネットワークサービス」特集 論文募集 (4/10締切) ★02 CFP: CSCW 2014 (5/31投稿締切, 2014/2/15-18開催) ========================================================================== GNGNGN★01(~2013.4.10)================================================= 論文誌「社会活動に協調する技術とネットワークサービス」特集 論文募集  コンピュータネットワークのグローバルな普及、情報メディアの 多様な発展、ネットワークサービスの拡大とそれにともなう各種脅 威の発生など、社会における情報通信環境は変化し続けています。 また、近年スマートフォン等の携帯端末が急速に普及し、新たなコ ラボレーションやネットワークサービスが登場し、情報セキュリテ ィ等の問題も現れてきました。社会活動を効率的に推進するための 情報共有と、情報資産を守るための情報セキュリティは表裏一体の 関係にあります。  このような状況認識から、私たちの社会・地域、日常生活、ビジ ネス、教育・学習などさまざまな社会活動の場面を、より安心・安 全にする知見や技術、ネットワークサービスの研究開発を一層推進 していくことが求められると考えられます。  そこで、情報処理学会論文誌では「社会活動に協調する技術とネ ットワークサービス」特集号を企画し、時宜を得て迅速に関連する 研究論文を一括掲載することにより、社会に成果を公開し、グルー プウェアとネットワークサービスに関する研究の一層の発展に寄与 することを目指します。  本特集号で取り扱う主なトピックは、知識・情報共有、ソーシャ ルコンピューティング、ユビキタスコンピューティング、セキュア なネットワークサービス、医療・福祉のためのネットワークサービ ス、防災・減災のためのネットワークサービス、分散コラボレーシ ョン、教育・学習支援、コミュニケーション研究の理論・技術・応 用・評価などを含みます。また、これに限定するものではなく、グ ループウェアとネットワークサービスに関する論文を広く募集しま すので、奮ってご投稿くださいますようご案内いたします。なお今 回の論文誌ジャーナル編集は「ゲストエディタ制度」によって行い ます。 ◎投稿要領 (1)論文の執筆要領 「情報処理学会論文誌(IPSJ Journal)」原稿執筆案内(2008年9月 改訂版)によります。 論文は電子投稿により受け付けますので、下記のURLにアクセスし、 電子投稿の要領に従って手続きを進めてください。なお、このURL は日本語論文専用です。英語論文の投稿先は異なりますので、十分 にご確認の上、ご投稿ください。 https://www.ipsj.or.jp/prms/author_pre_submit.do   ※論文の言語は日本語または英語ですが、英語論文の場合は   上記のURLではなく、下記からお願いします。   https://www.ipsj.or.jp/prms/author_pre_submit_en.do   論文募集の英語版は JIP (Journal of Information Processing)   のページよりご覧ください。 (2)査読手続き 通常の論文誌投稿論文と同一ですが、特集号編集期限の関係上、著 者への照会期間は通常(2ヶ月)より短縮されますので、投稿に際し、 あらかじめご了承ください。 (3)投稿締切  2013年4月10日(水)※延長しました (4)特集号予定 2014年1月号 (5)掲載料に関する補足 採択された日本語の論文は規定の掲載料が必要になりますが、英語 論文の掲載料は必要ありません。情報処理学会論文誌では2010年8 月1日から2013年7月31日までに投稿された英語論文の掲載料は無料 となっています。 (6)特集号編集委員 編集委員長: 関 良明(NTT) 幹   事: 金井秀明(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学) 委   員: 市村 哲(東京工科大学)、井上智雄(筑波大学)、 岡田謙一(慶應義塾大学)、緒方広明(徳島大学)、岡本昌之(東 芝)、小川剛史(東京大学)、金子 聡(日本アイ・ビー・エム・ サービス)、葛岡英明(筑波大学)、粂 照宣(富士通研究所)、 小林 稔(NTT)、斉藤典明(NTT)、鈴木幸太郎(NTT)、高橋正道 (富士ゼロックス)、多田昌裕(ATR)、塚田晃司(和歌山大学)、 櫨山淳雄(東京学芸大学)、宗森 純(和歌山大学)、由井薗隆也 (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)、吉野 孝(和歌山大学)                             以上 ---- GNGNGN★02(~2013.5.31)================================================= CSCW 2014 Call for Participation - Papers Important Dates - May 31st, 2013, 5 p.m. PDT: Submissions due - July 6th: First-round notification (Revise & Resubmit or Reject) - July 26th, 5 p.m. PDT: Revised submissions due - August 23rd: Final notifications (Accept or Reject) Call for Papers CSCW, the ACM's conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, is an international and interdisciplinary conference focused on how technology intersects with social practices. The 2014 CSCW conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland from February 15th - 18th, 2014. Paper submissions are due on May 31st, 2013. We invite submissions that detail existing practices, inform the design or deployment of systems, or introduce novel systems, interaction techniques, or algorithms. The scope of CSCW includes, but is not limited to, social computing and social media, crowdsourcing, technologically-enabled or enhanced communication, CSCL and related educational technologies (e.g., MOOCs), multi-user input technologies (e.g., surface computing), collaboration, information sharing, and coordination. It includes socio-technical activities at work, in the home, in education, in healthcare, in the arts, for socializing, and for entertainment. New results or new ways of thinking about, studying, or supporting shared activities can be in these and related areas: - Social and crowd computing. Studies, theories, designs, mechanisms, systems, and/or infrastructures addressing social media, social networking, user-generated content, wikis, blogs, online gaming, crowdsourcing, collective intelligence, virtual worlds, collaborative information seeking, etc. - System design. Hardware, architectures, infrastructures, interaction design, technical foundations, algorithms, and/or toolkits that enable the building of new social and collaborative systems and experiences. - Theories and models. Critical analysis or organizing theory with clear relevance to the design or study of social and collaborative systems. - Empirical investigations. Findings, guidelines, and/or ethnographic studies relating to technologies, practices, or use of communication, collaboration, and social technologies. - Methodologies and tools. Novel methods or combinations of approaches and tools used in building systems or studying their use. - Domain-specific social and collaborative applications. Including for healthcare, transportation, gaming (for enjoyment or productivity), ICT4D, sustainability, education, accessibility, collective intelligence, global collaboration, or other domains. - Collaboration systems based on emerging technologies. Mobile and ubiquitous computing, game engines, virtual worlds, multi-touch technologies, novel display technologies, vision and gesture recognition systems, big data infrastructures, MOOCs, crowd labor markets, SNSes, sensor-based environments, etc. - Crossing boundaries. Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that explore interactions across disciplines, distance, languages, generations, and cultures, to help better understand how to transcend social, temporal, and/or spatial boundaries. Papers should detail original research contributions. Papers must report new research results that represent a contribution to the field. They must provide sufficient details and support for their results and conclusions. They must cite relevant published research or experience, highlight novel aspects of the submission, and identify the most significant contributions. Papers are evaluated on the basis of originality, significance, quality of research, quality of writing, and contribution to conference program diversity. Format and Submission Process Details Submission Process Papers must be submitted via the Precision Conference System (PCS) by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on May 31st, 2013 to be considered. The site will open for submissions beginning on May 1st. Papers in the "Revise & Resubmit" category must be re-submitted via the PCS system by 5:00 p.m. PDT on July 26th. Confidentiality of submitted material will be maintained. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of papers will be used in the Advance Program. Submissions should contain no information or material that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, and should cite no publication that will be proprietary or confidential at that time. Final versions of accepted papers must be formatted according to detailed instructions provided by the publisher. Copyright release forms must be signed for inclusion in the proceedings and the ACM Digital Library. Formatting and Length Please use the SIGCHI papers template to format your submission (there is a Word version and a Latex version). Papers should be converted to PDF before submission. There is no minimum or maximum length imposed on papers. Rather, reviewers will be instructed to weight the contribution of a paper relative to its length. Papers should report research thoroughly but succinctly: brevity is a virtue. A typical length is 10 pages (formerly the maximum length limit), but may be shorter if the contribution can be described and supported in fewer pages . shorter, more focused papers (called Notes in years prior to 2013) are encouraged and will be reviewed like any other paper. While we will review papers longer than 10 pages, the contribution must warrant the extra length. Papers whose length is incommensurate with their contribution will be rejected. Blind Review Policy Papers are subject to blind reviewing. Your submission should have authors' names and affiliations removed, and avoid obvious identifying statements. Citations to your own relevant work should not be anonymous, but rather should be done without identifying yourself as the author. For example, say "Prior work by [authors]" instead of "In our prior work." Video Figures Consider submitting a video that illustrates your work, either as a video figure judged as part of your submission (no more than three minutes long and 50MB in size), or as a longer stand-alone submission to the video track. Videos are not required for paper submissions, but are strongly encouraged, particularly for papers contributing novel systems or interaction techniques. Review Process Revision Cycle Papers will undergo two review cycles. After the first round of review, a submission will receive either a "Revise & Resubmit" or a "Reject" notification (along with the reviews themselves). Submissions rejected in the first round cannot be revised for CSCW 2014, but authors can begin reworking them for submission to other venues. Authors of papers designated "Revise & Resubmit" will have three weeks to revise their paper in response to the reviewers' comments. Authors will need to allocate time for possible revisions during the period between July 6th and July 26th. Revised papers must be re-submitted via the PCS system by 5:00 p.m. PDT on July 26th. Note that an invitation to "Revise & Resubmit" is not a guarantee of acceptance . the revision will be re-reviewed as the basis for the final decision. This is similar to a journal process, except that it is limited to a single revision with a strict deadline. The revision cycle enables authors to address issues raised by reviewers that may have been a cause for rejection under prior conference reviewing schemes, such as the need to improve readability/grammar, discuss missing citations, redo some analyses, adopt terminology familiar to the field, and/or reframe ideas more clearly. It also allows authors of papers that may have been accepted under a single-cycle approach to further strengthen their papers, perhaps better positioning themselves for consideration for a "Best of CSCW" recognition. Along with their revised paper, authors submit a letter explaining the key changes they have made, allowing more interaction between authors and reviewers. This is not an invitation to submit extended abstracts or incomplete papers; please submit only work of publishable quality. Incomplete or otherwise inappropriate submissions will be desk-rejected without review. Based on prior years' experience with this process, we anticipate that roughly half of submissions will be rejected after the first round of this process. Note that the dual-round review process is not inherently tied to any target acceptance rates. Review Criteria Authors will be able to indicate the primary methodological orientation of their paper . Technical, Empirical (Qualitative), or Empirical (Quantitative) . when they upload the paper to the PCS reviewing system. This information will be used to match the paper with a program committee member who is experienced with work of that character. CSCW values work from a variety of interdisciplinary and methodological perspectives . specific evaluation types are not a prerequisite for acceptance [Greenberg & Buxton, 2008; Olsen, 2007]. The form all reviewers for CSCW will use will be linked here for preview shortly. PC Meeting Mentoring Program The CSCW Program Committee will meet in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 19th and 20th to make final decisions about paper acceptance. We recognize that the opportunity to observe this meeting can be a valuable mentoring experience for graduate students. We will have room for a small number of students (at most five) to attend the meeting in an observational capacity. Participants are expected to obtain their own funding for travel to and accommodations for the PC meeting. To be considered for this opportunity, a student's faculty advisor should send a brief nominating letter by email to the papers chairs, including a copy of the student's CV, by May 15th. "Best of CSCW" Awards CSCW will continue the "Best of CSCW" awards program, in accordance with SIGCHI guidelines. Upon acceptance, papers that have been nominated as noteworthy by reviewers or Program Committee members will receive additional review by the Best Papers Committee, who will identify "Honorable Mention" and "Best" awards. Approximately 5% of submissions may be nominated and 1% of total submissions awarded Best Paper. This year, CSCW is introducing an additional recognition, the CSCW Lasting Impact Award. This award will recognize a paper published at the CSCW conference at least 10 years ago (CSCW 2004 or earlier) that has been extremely influential since its publication. The Lasting Impact Award winner will be determined by a committee consisting of past CSCW Papers Chairs, and chaired by this year's Papers Chairs. If you would like to nominate a paper for consideration, please email the papers chairs by August 31st, 2013 and include the paper's title, author list, and year of publication, as well as a brief paragraph explaining why the paper deserves recognition for "lasting impact." Nominations involving personal or institutional conflicts-of-interest will not be considered. Program Committee Papers Chairs: Meredith Ringel Morris, Microsoft Research Madhu Reddy, The Pennsylvania State University papers2014@cscw.acm.org PC Members: Paul M. Aoki, Google Inc. Louise Barkhuus, Stockholm University Michael Bernstein, Stanford University Mary Beth Rosson, The Pennsylvania State University Jacob Biehl, FX Palo Alto Laboratory Jeffrey P. Bigham, University of Rochester Jeremy Birnholtz, Northwestern University Pernille Bjorn, IT University of Copenhagen Marcos Borges, UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro A.J. Bernheim Brush, Microsoft Research Moira Burke, Facebook Jack Carroll, The Pennsylvania State University Ed Chi, Google Inc. Dan Cosley, Cornell University Ed Cutrell, Microsoft Research India Ingrid Erickson, Rutgers University Vanessa Evers, University of Twente Morten Fjeld, Chalmers University of Technology Andrea Forte, Drexel University Eric Gilbert, Georgia Tech Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan Ido Guy, IBM Research Haifa Mark Handel, The Boeing Company James Herbsleb, Carnegie Mellon University Steven Jackson, Cornell University Karrie Karahalios, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chapaign Wendy Kellogg, IBM Research Niki Kittur, Carnegie Mellon University Joseph Konstan, University of Minnesota Robert Kraut, Carnegie Mellon University Hideaki Kuzuoka, University of Tsukuba Charlotte Lee, University of Washington Myriam Lewkowicz, Troyes University of Technology Gloria Mark, UC Irvine Melissa Mazmanian, UC Irvine David McDonald, University of Washington Helena Mentis, Harvard Medical School Andres Monroy-Hernandez, MSR FUSE Labs Les Nelson, Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. Jacki O'Neill, Xerox Research Centre Europe Andrea Grimes Parker, Northeastern University Sameer Patil, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology Sharoda Paul, GE Global Research Anne Marie Piper, Northwestern University Daniele Quercia, Yahoo! Labs Erika Poole, The Pennsylvania State University Dave Randall, University of Siegen Aleksandra Sarcevic, Drexel University Gunnar Stevens, University of Siegen Jennifer Thom, IBM Research Max Van Kleek, University of Southampton Gina Venolia, Microsoft Research Daniel Wigdor, University of Toronto Max L. Wilson, University of Nottingham Volker Wulf, University of Siegen Susan P. Wyche, Michigan State University Naomi Yamashita, NTT Communication Science Lab Chen Zhao, Microsoft Best Paper Awards Chairs Joseph Konstan, University of Minnesota Helena Mentis, Harvard Medical School PC Meeting Local Arrangements Chairs Andrea Forte, Drexel University Aleksandra Sarcevic, Drexel University --------------------------------------------------------------------------