情報処理学会グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会ニュースレター IPSJ-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN GN グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会          GN GN             ニュースレター No.120 (2011.3.29) GN GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-IPSJ-GN 情報処理学会 グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会 では,会員 およびそれに準ずる皆様へ,最新のイベント情報を抜粋して,毎月ニュース レターとしてお届けします. GNGNGN *** これからのGN研究会関連予定 *** 開催日 会議名 会場 2011年5月19日(木)〜20日(金) 第80回GN研究会 NTT 武蔵野研究開発センタ 2011年7月6日(水)〜8日(金) DICOMO2011 新潟県新発田市月岡温泉 泉慶 2011年9月7日(水)〜9日(金) FIT2011 函館大学・函館短期大学 *** これからのGN研究会関連〆切 *** 2011年4月11日(月) 論文誌「われわれの知識を拡げるコラボレーション技術」投稿〆切  ★ http://www.ipsj.or.jp/sig/gw/ もご覧下さい. ========================================================================== ■目次■ ★01 i-Society 2011 ★02 電子情報通信学会 情報・システムソサイエティ和文論文誌「異文化コラボレーション特集」 ★03 情報処理学会論文誌「われわれの知識を拡げるコラボレーション技術」特集 ★04 Culture and Computing 2011 ★05 CACS 2011 ★06 WMUTE 2012 and DIGITEL 2012 ========================================================================== GNGNGN★01(〜2011.3.31)============================================ CALL FOR PAPERS ******************************************************************* International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2011), Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter 27-29 June, 2011, London, UK www.i-society.eu ******************************************************************* The International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2011) is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter. The i-Society is a global knowledge-enriched collaborative effort that has its roots from both academia and industry. The conference covers a wide spectrum of topics that relate to information society, which includes technical and non-technical research areas. The mission of i-Society 2011 conference is to provide opportunities for collaboration of professionals and researchers to share existing and generate new knowledge in the field of information society. The conference encapsulates the concept of interdisciplinary science that studies the societal and technological dimensions of knowledge evolution in digital society. The i-Society bridges the gap between academia and industry with regards to research collaboration and awareness of current development in secure information management in the digital society. The topics in i-Society 2011 include but are not confined to the following areas: *New enabling technologies - Internet technologies - Wireless applications - Mobile Applications - Multimedia Applications - Protocols and Standards - Ubiquitous Computing - Virtual Reality - Human Computer Interaction - Geographic information systems - e-Manufacturing *Intelligent data management - Intelligent Agents - Intelligent Systems - Intelligent Organisations - Content Development - Data Mining - e-Publishing and Digital Libraries - Information Search and Retrieval - Knowledge Management - e-Intelligence - Knowledge networks *Secure Technologies - Internet security - Web services and performance - Secure transactions - Cryptography - Payment systems - Secure Protocols - e-Privacy - e-Trust - e-Risk - Cyber law - Forensics - Information assurance - Mobile social networks - Peer-to-peer social networks - Sensor networks and social sensing *e-Learning - Collaborative Learning - Curriculum Content Design and Development - Delivery Systems and Environments - Educational Systems Design - e-Learning Organisational Issues - Evaluation and Assessment - Virtual Learning Environments and Issues - Web-based Learning Communities - e-Learning Tools - e-Education *e-Society - Global Trends - Social Inclusion - Intellectual Property Rights - Social Infonomics - Computer-Mediated Communication - Social and Organisational Aspects - Globalisation and developmental IT - Social Software *e-Health - Data Security Issues - e-Health Policy and Practice - e-Healthcare Strategies and Provision - Medical Research Ethics - Patient Privacy and Confidentiality - e-Medicine *e-Governance - Democracy and the Citizen - e-Administration - Policy Issues - Virtual Communities *e-Business - Digital Economies - Knowledge economy - eProcurement - National and International Economies - e-Business Ontologies and Models - Digital Goods and Services - e-Commerce Application Fields - e-Commerce Economics - e-Commerce Services - Electronic Service Delivery - e-Marketing - Online Auctions and Technologies - Virtual Organisations - Teleworking - Applied e-Business - Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) *e-Art - Legal Issues - Patents - Enabling technologies and tools *e-Science - Natural sciences in digital society - Biometrics - Bioinformatics - Collaborative research *Industrial developments - Trends in learning - Applied research - Cutting-edge technologies * Research in progress - Ongoing research from undergraduates, graduates/postgraduates and professionals Important Dates: Paper Submission Date: March 31, 2011 Short Paper (Extended Abstract or Work in Progress): March 20, 2011 Notification of Paper Acceptance /Rejection: April 15, 2011 Notification of Short Paper (Extended Abstract or Work in Progress) Acceptance /Rejection: April 10, 2011 Camera Ready Paper and Short Paper Due: April 30, 2011 Participant(s) Registration (Open): January 1, 2011 Early Bird Attendee Registration Deadline (Authors only): February 1 to April 30, 2011 Late Bird Attendee Registration Deadline (Authors only): May 1 to June 1, 2011 Conference Dates: June 27-29, 2011 For more details, please visit www.i-society.eu ---- GNGNGN★02(〜2011.3.31)============================================ グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会 関係者の皆様 和歌山大学の吉野です. 異文化コラボレーション研究会では, 電子情報通信学会 情報・システムソサイエティ和文論文誌にて 「異文化コラボレーション特集」(2012年1月号)を企画いたしました. 募集の詳細は,以下に掲載しております. http://www.ieice.org/jpn/books/ronbuntokushu/cfp_JD_2012.01.pdf 本特集では異文化コラボレーションに関わる事例報告を含め, 基礎原理から応用に至るまで研究成果を広く募集いたしますので, 奮ってご投稿くださいますようご案内申し上げます. 論文投稿締切日 2011年3月31日(木) 皆様のご投稿をお待ちしております. よろしくお願いいたします. 異文化コラボレーション研究会 幹事 吉野 孝(和歌山大学) ================================================================ 異文化コラボレーション特集号(和文論文誌D) 論文募集 ・論文投稿締切 : 2011年3月31日(木) ・特集号発行予定: 2012年1月号 募集の詳細は,以下に掲載しております. http://www.ieice.org/jpn/books/ronbuntokushu/cfp_JD_2012.01.pdf 【対象分野】  以下のようなテーマの論文投稿を期待しておりますが、これに限らず広く異文化コラボレーションに関する分野の論文の積極的なご投稿をお願いいたします。 ・ 異文化コラボレーションに関するフィールド・スタディ ・ ITを用いた異文化コラボレーション事例 ・ 異文化コラボレーションのためのツールやアプリケーション ・ 異文化コラボレーションのための要素技術(自然言語処理、オントロジ、情報検索、利用者インタフェース、サービス統合、Webコラボレーション、エージェント技術など) ・ 異文化コラボレーションのためのプラットフォーム技術(グリッド、P2Pなど) ・ 異文化コラボレーションのビジネス応用 ・ 異文化コラボレーションに関するCSCW ・ 多言語資源の活用法とユーザビリティ ・ 異文化コラボレーションを支援するユビキタス技術 ・ 多言語辞書と翻訳 【特集号編集委員】 委員長 片桐恭弘(はこだて未来大) 副委員長 吉野 孝(和歌山大) 幹 事 緒方広明(徳島大)、山下直美(NTT) 委 員 中西英之(大阪大)、葛岡英明(筑波大)、北村泰彦(関学) 【問合せ先】 吉野 孝 和歌山大学システム工学部デザイン情報学科 〒640-8510 和歌山市栄谷930 Phone: 073-457-8441 E-mail: yoshino[at]sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp ---- GNGNGN★03(〜2011.4.11)============================================ グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会の皆様 本件を含め研究会活動では,お世話になります. 由井薗@北陸先端大です. 論文誌 「われわれの知識を拡げるコラボレーション技術」特集 の投稿をご案内いたします. 投稿締切は2010年4月11日(月) です. 奮っての投稿をご検討ください. および同僚研究者・指導学生さんに,ご紹介いただけると幸いです. 詳細情報は以下のURLからご覧いただけます.  和文での投稿用   http://www.ipsj.or.jp/08editt/journal/tokushu/12-C.html  英文での投稿用   http://www.ipsj.or.jp/english/editt/jip/specialissue/12-C.html どうかよろしくお願いいたします. −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 情報処理学会論文誌 「われわれの知識を拡げるコラボレーション技術」特集への論文投稿のご案内 論文誌ジャーナル編集委員会  現代は、知識が資源として価値をもつ知識社会ともいわれ、先進国にいる労働者の過半数はサービス産業などの第三次産業に従事している。知識社会における知識の価値は、科学者や哲学者が探求してきた真理の発見と いった新規性のみに依存するだけではなく、多くの人々が知識を、日常生活、サービス、デザインなどの行動に使用するイノベーション・普及によって更に高まる。  その中、情報通信技術はわれわれの生活に広く深く普及している。家庭、会社、学校等における固定した場所での利用から、通勤、散歩、買い物、観光といった移動中の利用も日常的である。その普及から生まれたネット ワーク利用は、われわれの予想を越えた発展をみせ、10年前の個人では持ち得なかったようなデータ・情報を手に入れることができ、それらを用いて行動の規範となる知識を増やすことができる。  一方、各種センサ・計測技術を用いると可観測なデータが増え、従来では技術対象として困難であったデータ・情報を取得でき、暗黙的にしか知ることができないとされてきた知識も技術対象にできる。伝統的なコラボ レーション技術の目標であるアウェアネス支援、感情通信といった技術もインフォーマルな知識の共有・伝達という観点から重要である。さらに、サービス科学、脳科学、スキル科学、ロボット工学といった人間理解が重要 な科学技術分野からの貢献も期待できる。つまり、従来の情報通信システムが中心にしていた形式的な知識だけでなく、人間の感覚を活用した異なる質の知識も支援対象となってきている。  本特集では、われわれが取り扱える知識の量や質を拡げる科学技術をコラボレーション技術に取り込むことによって、われわれの知識を拡げる研究を集めたいと思います。なお、本特集号で取り扱う主なトピックは、分散 コラボレーション、リモートワーク、ユビキタスコンピューティング、知識・情報共有、教育・学習支援、コミュニケーション研究の理論・技術・応用・評価などを含みます。また、これに限定するものではなく、ネット ワークサービスとグループウェアに関する論文の積極的なご投稿を広く募集します。 投稿締切 2011年4月11日(月) 特集号予定 2012年1月号 特集号編集委員 編集委員長:由井薗隆也(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学) 幹 事:小川剛史(東京大学) 委 員:岡本昌之(東芝)、小林 稔(NTT)、市村 哲(東京工科大学)、緒方広明(徳島大学)、金子 聡(日本アイ・ビー・エム・サービス)、斉藤典明(NTT)、岡田謙一(慶應義塾大学)、宗森 純(和歌山大 学)、葛岡英明(筑波大学)、井上亮文(東京工科大学)、井上智雄(筑波大学)、大平雅雄(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)、岡原弘典(三菱電機)、金井秀明(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)、粂 照宣(富士通研究 所)、酒井三四郎(静岡大学)、高橋正道(富士ゼロックス)、多田昌裕(ATR)、櫨山淳雄(東京学芸大学)、吉野 孝(和歌山大学) ---- GNGNGN★04(〜2011.4.20)============================================ GN研究会の皆様 和歌山大学の吉野です. いつもお世話になっております. 第2回文化とコンピューティング国際会議が10月20-22日に京都大学 で開催される予定ですので,ご案内させていただきます. 投稿スケジュールは下記となっております. Deadline for titles and abstracts: April 20th, 2011 Deadline for papers for review: May 1st, 2011 Author notification: June 20th, 2011 Deadline for camera ready papers: July 20th, 2011 =============================================================== Call for Papers The Second International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing 2011) Date: October 19-22, 2011 Venue: The Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, Japan http://www.ai.soc.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/culture2011/ International communities have a myriad of problems around topics such as: population demographic shifts, energy use and creation, the environment, and food supply. It is necessary to build a global consensus for resolving problems within these topic areas. Unfortunately, there are difficulties in communication among different cultures. Information and communication technologies are required in order to overcome such difficulties. There are various research directions in the relations between culture and computing: to archive cultural heritages via ICT (cf. digital archives), to empower humanities researches via ICT (cf. digital humanities), to create art and expressions via ICT (cf. media art), to realize a culturally situated agent (cf. cultural agent), to support multi-language, multi-cultural societies via ICT (cf. intercultural collaboration), and to understand new cultures born in the Internet and Web (cf. net culture). The International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture & Computing) will be held in Kyoto, the cultural heart of Japan, to provide an opportunity to share research issues and discuss the future of culture and computing. To understand the proceedings at the previous conference, please visit below. http://www.ai.soc.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/culture2010/index.html The second conference (Culture & Computing 2011) will be organized with an exhibition on the integration of state of the art cultural computing technologies and Japanese traditional culture, along with a number of co-located events. Papers are solicited on any aspect on the intersection of culture and computing, but all papers are expected to be suitable for a multidisciplinary audience. We have a single session Main Track and a few parallel session Special Tracks. The Main Track will present a collection of scientific or engineering research results. Examples of suitable paper topics for the Main Track include: .Archiving cultural heritages .Information environments for humanity studies .Art and design by information technologies .Digital storytelling .Intercultural communication and collaboration .Culturally situated agents and simulations .Game and culture .Analysis of new culture in the Internet and Web .Culture and brain science The Special Tracks are collections of short papers, and are organized in coordination with the Main Track for the purpose of encouraging discussions in hot areas. We have Special Tracks for "Digital Humanities," "Asian Culture based Media Art" and "Computing and Music" at this conference. Paper Submitted papers must report original work that has not been previously published. A full paper with a limit of six (6) pages and a special trackpaper with a limit of two (2) pages, should be submitted by the paper submission deadline. Papers should follow the formatting instructions for publishing with IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services. Main Track papers (full papers) should be submitted electronically with an abstract (150 words) via EasyChair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=culture2011. Submissions (PDF) must be written in English and must not exceed 6 pages in IEEE Standard template. Special Track papers (short papers) should be submitted electronically with an abstract (150 words) via EasyChair. http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=culture2011sp Submissions (PDF) must be written in English and must not exceed 2 pages in IEEE Standard template. All submitted papers will be reviewed by three distinguished researchers in the area of culture and computing. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and be included in the IEEE Computer Society Digital Libraries (CSDL). Important Dates Main Track: Deadline for titles and abstracts: April 20th, 2011 Deadline for papers for review: May 1st, 2011 Author notification: June 20th, 2011 Deadline for camera ready papers: July 20th, 2011 Special Track: Deadline for titles and abstracts: May 20th, 2011 Deadline for papers for review: June 1st, 2011 Author notification: June 20th, 2011 Deadline for camera ready papers: July 20th, 2011 Organization Conference Co-Chairs Kozaburo Hachimura (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) Toru Ishida (Kyoto University, Japan) Naoko Tosa (Kyoto University, Japan) Program Committee [Main Track] Richard Beacham (King's College London, UK) Philippe Codognet (CNRS & University of Tokyo, Japan) Christiane D. Fellbaum (Princeton University, USA) Sidney Fels (The University of British Columbia, Canada) Kozaburo Hachimura (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) Michitaka Hirose (University of Tokyo, Japan) Jieh Hsiang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Katsushi Ikeuchi (University of Tokyo, Japan) Toru Ishida (Kyoto University, Japan) Lewis Johnson (Alelo Inc. USA) Yasuhiro Katagiri (Future University Hakodate, Japan) Michihiko Minoh (Kyoto University, Japan) Shigeru Miyagawa (MIT, USA) Ryohei Nakatsu (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Yoshihiro Okada (Ryukoku University, Japan) Ana Paiva (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal) Zhigeng Pan (Zhejiang University, China) Matthias Rauterberg (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands) Tetsuo Sawaragi (Kyoto University, Japan) Monique Slodzian (CRIM-INALCO, France) Virach Sornlertlamvanich (NECTEC, Thailand) Katsumi Tanaka (Kyoto University, Japan) Naoko Tosa (Kyoto University, Japan) Naomi Yamashita (NTT, Japan) Takashi Yoshino (Wakayama University, Japan) Hai Zhuge (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Program Committee [Special Track: Digital Humanities] Richard Beacham (King's College London, UK) Neil Fraistat (University of Maryland, USA) Kozaburo Hachimura (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) Chair Jieh Hsiang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Jane Hunter (University of Queensland, Australia) Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta, Canada) Keiji Yano (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) Program Committee [Special Track: Asian Culture based Media Art] Ken Coates ( University of Waterloo) Jean M. Ippolito (University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA) Tomoe Moriyama (Musem of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Japan) Ryohei Nakatsu (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Jong-II Park (Hanyang University, Korea) Vibeke Sorensen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Naoko Tosa (Kyoto University, Japan) Chair Alistair Swale (University of Waikato, New Zealand) Program Committee [Special Track: Computing and Music] Gerard Assayag (IRCAM, France) Philippe Codognet (CNRS & University of Tokyo, Japan) Chair Shlomo Dubnov (University of California at San Diego, USA) Atau Tanaka (Newcastle University, UK) ================================================= ---- GNGNGN★05(〜2011.5.15)============================================ Dear Author, Please forward to those who may be interested. Thank you. The 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2011) http://irast.org/conferences/CACS/2011 15-17 November 2011, Bali, Indonesia CACS 2010 aims to bring together researchers and scientists from academia, industry, and government laboratories to present new results and identify future research directions in computer applications and computational science. All papers published in the CACS 2011 proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore and indexed in both Ei Compendex and ISTP. CACS 2011 has appeared in the IEEE Conferences (Conference Record # 18959, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1175N-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-61284-995-9). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Computer Architecture and VLSI - Computer Control and Robotics - Computers in Education and Learning Technologies - Computer Networks and Data Communications - Data Mining and Data Engineering - Energy and Power Systems - Intelligent Systems and Autonomous Agents - Internet and Web Systems - Scientific Computing and Modeling - Signal, Image and Multimedia Processing - Software Engineering Bali is a favorite vacation destination for many nationalities. Bali's natural attractions include miles of sandy beaches, picturesque rice terraces, towering active volcanoes over 3,000 meters high, fast flowing rivers, deep ravines, pristine crater lakes, sacred caves, and lush tropical forests full of exotic wildlife. The island's rich cultural heritage is visible everywhere - in over 20,000 temples and palaces, in many colorful festivals and ceremonies, in drama, music, and dance. Bali is also well-known for its night life. Come to Bali enjoying the beautiful environment and fun here! Paper Submission Deadline: 15 May 2011 Review Decision Notifications: 15 August 2011 Final Papers and Author Registration Deadline: 9 September 2011 ---- GNGNGN★06(〜2011.9.15)============================================ Call For Papers - CFP 7th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile& Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE 2012) http://wmute2012.info 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2012) http://digitel2012.info March 27-30, 2012 in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan The proceedings of both conferences will be published by IEEE Computer Society. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on shared research interests between these two communities, the IEEE WMUTE 2012/DIGITEL 2012 conferences will be jointly held in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan. Participants of both events will be able to interact, discuss and exchange ideas which we hope can stimulate more exciting ideas for future research. Therefore, this joint conference aims to promote a new line of research and practice that highlights both social and technological innovation in order to support and amalgamate contemporary social learning theories. This theme-based jointed conference will expose the results of current research efforts and practices in these fields, as well as identify future challenges and research priorities relevant to both communities. The scope of WMUTE 2012 will cover but not be limited to: * Mobile social media for education * User experiences in mobile social media creation and collaboration * Specific roles for video in mobile learning and working * Theories and applications for modeling collaboration in mobile environments * Emerging mobile video development platforms and user interfaces * Context-aware learning environments and mobile social media applications * Open educational resources for WMUTE * Mobile video story-telling and communities * Human-computer interaction aspects of technology-enriched classrooms * Mobile and ubiquitous computing support for collaborative learning * Mobile Web 2.0 applications for learning and teaching * Learning scenarios supported by wireless sensor networks * Small-screen interface design for WMUTE * Mobile collaborative learning systems * Implementation of learning models exploiting one-to-one technology * New devices for learning and instruction * Game-based learning with ubiquitous and one-to-one technologies * Adaptive and adaptable learning environments using mobile and ubiquitous devices * Intelligent Agents support for ubiquitous learning and one-to-one classroom settings * Architectures and infrastructures for one-to-one classroom settings * Methods of interaction analysis in mobile and ubiquitous learning scenarios * Evaluation and evaluation methodologies for WMUTE Topics of interest for DIGITEL 2012 include, but are not limited to: * Design foundation and theory for DIGITEL * Educational robots and toys * Artificial intelligence for DIGITEL * Virtual characters for education and learning * Virtual storytelling and game narrative for education and learning * Multiplayer and social game design for education and learning * Simulation and animation for education and learning * Augmented/mixed reality for education and learning * Game-based learning/training * Games in real world (ubiquitous learning) * Storytelling and narrative in education and learning * VR-based education/training * Non-visual senses (smelling, touching, hearing) for DIGITEL * Mobile games and its linking to online games for education and learning * Location-based games and ubiquitous technology for education and learning * Identity in gaming to learn: roles and role-playing * Collaboration, competition and community in DIGITEL * Social and cultural aspects in DIGITEL * Evaluation of DIGITEL systems * Studies of the effect of games on learning, affect, and motivation * Embedding instructional design principles in games Important dates: Submission deadline: Sep 15th, 2011, for all submissions Notification of acceptance: Nov 30, 2011 Final version: Jan 6, 2012 Conference date: March 27-30, 2012 Submissions types: Full papers: 8 pages Short papers: 5 pages Posters: 3 pages Workshop proposals: 2 pages Demo / interactive events proposals: 2 pages Doctor Student Consortium proposals: 2 pages --------- General Conference Chairs: Hiroyuki Tarumi, Kagawa University, Japan Demetrios Sampson, University of Piraeus, Greece Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada Advisor: Tak-Wai Chan, National Central University, Taiwan Honorable Conference Chairs: Yoneo Yano, University of Tokushima, Japan Toshinori Yamasaki, The Open University of Japan, Japan WMUTE 2012 Program Chairs: Hiroaki Ogata, University of Tokushima, Japan Marcelo Milrad, Linnaeus University, Sweden Charles Patton, SRI International, USA DIGITEL 2012 Program Chair: Masanori Sugimoto, University of Tokyo, Japan Program co-chairs: Vincent Aleven, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Yam San Chee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Baltasar Fernandez Manjon, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain For both WMUTE and DIGITEL Doctor Student Consortium Chair: Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University, USA Co-chairs: Daniel Spikol, Linnaeus University, Sweden Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, University of Tokushima, Japan Workshop Chair: Ming-Puu Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Co-Chairs: Maiga Chang, Athabasca University, Canada Ryo Takaoka, Yamaguchi University, Japan Demo/Poster Co-Chairs: Hiroyuki Tominaga, Kagawa University, Japan Chengjiu Yin, Kyushu University, Japan ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ■GN研究会では,このメーリングリストへの登録を受付中です.  お近くに登録希望の方がいらっしゃいましたら,下記のアドレスに参加  希望のメールをお送りください.      宛先: owner-gwmember[at]mos.ics.keio.ac.jp ★このニュースレターに関するご意見は,E-Mail で下記のアドレスへお願い  します.      宛先: owner-gwmember[at]mos.ics.keio.ac.jp ★登録削除を希望される場合は,E-Mail で下記のアドレスへお願いします.      宛先: owner-gwmember[at]mos.ics.keio.ac.jp IPSJ-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-IPSJ-GN