情報処理学会グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会ニュースレター IPSJ-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN GN グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会          GN GN             ニュースレター No.101 (2009.08.27) GN GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-IPSJ-GN 情報処理学会 グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会 では,会員 およびそれに準ずる皆様へ,最新のイベント情報を抜粋して,毎月ニュース レターとしてお届けします. GNGNGN *** これからのGN研究会関連予定 *** 開催日 会議名 会場 2009年9月2日(水)〜4日(金) FIT2009 東北工業大 2009年9月17日(木)〜18日(金) GNワークショップ2009 軽井沢倶楽部 ホテル軽井沢1130 2009年11月26日(木)〜27日(金) 第73回GN研究会(共催) 呉市海事歴史科学館(大和ミュージアム)  ★ http://www.ipsj.or.jp/sig/gw/ もご覧下さい. ========================================================================== GNGNGN(〜2009.9.4)============================================ 情報処理学会 GN研究会MLの皆様 お世話になっております 産業技術総合研究所の高田と申します 来週の水曜日から金曜日にかけて,以下に記す通り 東北工業大学にて第8回 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2009)が 開催されます. 当日参加も可能であり,しかも学生の場合は聴講参加費が 無料でございます.あらためてご参加を検討頂きたく, また皆様のお力にて本会を盛り上げて頂きたく御協力願う所存です 詳細は以下のWebを御覧下さい 日程: 2009年9月2日(水) 〜 2009年9月4日(金) 場所: 東北工業大学 八木山キャンパス (JR仙台駅よりバス) Web : http://www.ipsj.or.jp/10jigyo/fit/fit2009/index.html GN研究会の専門領域はM分野に該当し,9月2日にT会場にて行われる セッションが主たる関連発表になるかと存じます. 詳細はプログラムPDFファイル内 11pageならびに68page〜を参照下さい https://www.gakkai-web.net/gakkai/fit/program/pdf/program.pdf 何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます ---- GNGNGN(〜2009.9.18)============================================ GN研究会の皆様: 情報処理学会MBL研究会が主催している国際会議ICMU2010が来年2010年4月にシア トルで開催されます. ICMU2010では,"Green Computing"を特別テーマに掲げており, 本テーマに関する特別セッション,招待講演,パネル討論を計画しています. 論文投稿〆切が9月18日となっていますので,ぜひ論文の投稿をご検討ください. 関連研究者の皆様にもご周知頂けましたら幸いです. よろしくお願いいたします. ======================================================================== Call for Papers ======================================================================== The Fifth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU2010) (http://www.icmu.org/icmu2010/) April 26-28, 2010, Seattle, USA (Sponsored by Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) SIG-MBL, co-sponsored by SIG-BCC, supported by IPSJ SIG-ITS and SIG-UBI) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOPE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mobile computing aims at ubiquitous user access to computer application. To make it possible, networking technology which enables Internet access anytime and everywhere, i.e. ubiquitous networking is necessary. It is obvious that with the accelerating trends towards mobile networks, ad-hoc networks, and wireless networks, mobile computing and ubiquitous networking will play an important role in future network. ICMU2010 is aimed at providing a forum to researchers for discussion and collaboration in this hot research area. The special focus of ICMU2010 is on "Green Computing" in ubiquitous network systems, such as energy efficiency maximization and carbon dioxide reduction. Authors are invited to submit papers addressing, but not limited to, the following topics: * Network architectures, applications, and service models * MAC and routing protocols * Resource and mobility managements * QoS issues * Security issues * Performance evaluation * Wireless and mobile communications * Broadcast communications * Soft defined radio * Cognitive radio * Heterogeneous networks * Cellular networks, WiFi, and WiMAX * Ad hoc, sensor, and mesh networks * Peer-to-peer communications * Vehicle communications * Internetworking * Location-based services * Data managements Some selected papers from the proceedings will be recommended to submit to the IPSJ Journal. Panel session entitled “Toward the EverGreen Future (tentative)”is planned during the conference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Papers are solicited as full papers of no more than 8 pages, each of which will be subject to a full review process. Submission must follow the author guidelines as specified in the web site. An electronic, PDF-based submission of papers is mandatory. Please check the web site of the conference http://www.icmu.org/icmu2010/ for further submission instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ September 18, 2009 Deadline for paper submissions December 18, 2009 Acceptance notification January 15, 2010 Camera ready due ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Chairs: Mario Gerla (UCLA, USA) Atsushi Murase (NTT DOCOMO, Japan) Program Chairs: Qing-An Zeng (Univ of Cincinnati, USA) Keiichi Yasumoto (NAIST, Japan) Financial Chair: Katsuhiro Naito (Mie Univ, Japan) Publicity Chairs: Akimitsu Kanzaki (Osaka Univ, Japan) Benyuan Liu (Univ of Massachusetts Lowell, USA) Local Arrangement Chairs: Qi Zhang (Microsoft Corp, USA) Wei Shen (Microsoft Corp, USA) Shunsuke Saruwatari (Univ of Tokyo, Japan) Publication Chair: Wataru Uchida (NTT DOCOMO, Japan) Registration Chair: Tomoya Kitani (Shizuoka Univ, Japan) Panel Chair: Teruyuki Hasegawa (KDDI Labs, Japan) Award Chair: Mineo Takai (UCLA, USA/Waseda Univ, Japan) Steering Committee: Osamu Takahashi (Future Univ-Hakodate, Japan), Chair Tadanori Mizuno (Shizuoka Univ, Japan) Takashi Watanabe (Shizuoka Univ, Japan) Miki Yamamoto (Kansai Univ, Japan) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yutaka Arakawa (Kyushu Univ, Japan) Jun Awano (NEC, Japan) Jiangnong Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ, China) Dirceu Cavendish (UCLA, USA) Xiuzhen Cheng (George Washington Univ, USA) Kwan-Wu Chin (Univ of Wollongong, Australia) Floriano De Rango (Univ of Calabria, Italy) Ashutoshu Dutta (Telcordia, USA) Li Gao (CellTrak, USA) John Gardiner (Bradford Univ, UK) Yusuke Gotoh (Okayama Univ, Japan) Mikio Hasegawa (Tokyo Univ of Science, Japan) Hiroaki Higaki (Tokyo Denki Univ, Japan) Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee Univ, Korea) Susumu Ishihara (Shizuoka Univ, Japan) Takeshi Ishihara (Toshiba, Japan) Weijia Jia (City Univ of Hong Kong, China) Shigetomo Kimura (Univ of Tsukuba, Japan) Ryozo Kiyohara (Mitsubishi Electric, Japan) Hirokazu Kobayashi (Panasonic, Japan) Ulas C. Kozat (DOCOMO USA Labs, USA) Victor C.M. Leung (UBC, Canada) Xiaolong Li (Indiana State Univ, USA) Benyuan Liu (Univ of Massachusetts Lowell, USA) Yun Liu (Beijing Jiaotong Univ, China) Madjid Merabti (Liverpool John Moores Univ, UK) Nodoka Mimura (Hitachi, Japan) Masana Murase (IBM, Japan) Naoki Nakamura (Tohoku Univ, Japan) Masakatsu Ogawa (NTT East, Japan) Chikara Ohta (Kobe Univ, Japan) Ken Ohta (NTT DOCOMO, Japan) Yoshikuni Onozato (Gunma Univ, Japan) Petar Popovski (Aalborg Univ, Denmark) Shunsuke Saruwatari (Univ of Tokyo, Japan) Rie Sawai (NHK, Japan) Winston Seah (Infocomm Research, Singapore) Hiroshi Shigeno (Keio Univ, Japan) Biplab Sikdar (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Katsumi Takahashi (NTT, Japan) Mineo Takai (UCLA, USA / Waseda Univ, Japan) Atsushi Takeshita (NTT DOCOMO, Japan) Haitang Wang (Motorola, USA) Xin Wang (Fudan Univ, China) Masahiro Watanabe (Mitsubishi Electric, Japan) Takashi Watanabe (Shizuoka Univ, Japan) Chunsheng Xin (Norfolk State Univ, USA) Hirozumi Yamaguchi (Osaka Univ, Japan) Kun Yang (Univ of Essex, UK) Hidetoshi Yokota (KDDI Labs, Japan) Kenji Yoshigoe (Univ of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA) Tomoki Yoshihisa (Osaka Univ, Japan) Jingyuan Zhang (Univ of Alabama, USA) Hong Zhou (Univ of Southern Queensland, Australia) ---- GNGNGN(〜2009.9.25)============================================ GN研究会の皆様 第73回研究会(DPS, EIPと共催)につきお知らせいたします。 積極的なご投稿をお願い致します。 ----------------------------------------------------------- 第141回マルチメディア通信と分散処理研究会(DPS) 主査: 串田 高幸 (日本アイ・ビー・エム) 幹事: 明石 修 (NTT),菅沼 拓夫(東北大), 加藤由花 (産業技術大),田上 敦士 (KDDI研究所) 第73回グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会(GN) 主査: 小林 稔(NTT) 幹事: 市村 哲(東京工科大学), 緒方 広明(徳島大学), 斉藤 典明(NTT), 金子 聡(日本アイ・ビー・エム・サービス) 第46回電子化知的財産・社会基盤研究会(EIP) 主査: 亀山 渉 (早稲田大学) 幹事: 一戸 信哉 (敬和学園大学), 橋本 誠志 (徳島文理大学) 塩野入 理 (NTT) 合同研究発表会開催のご案内・投稿の募集 表記の合同研究発表会を下記のとおり予定しております. 奮ってご応募のほど,よろしくお願い申し上げます. 記 * 日時: 平成21年11月26日(木)〜27日(金) * 場所: 呉市海事歴史科学館(大和ミュージアム) 会議・研修室 〒737-0029 広島県呉市宝町5-20 TEL: 0823-25-3017 FAX: 0823-23-7400 http://www.yamato-museum.com/ * テーマ: 協調システム,マルチメディア通信及びそれら技術の社会的側面 * 発表申込締切: 平成21年09月25日(金) * 原稿締切: 平成21年10月中旬(予定) * 申込先: 下記必要事項を記入し電子メールでお申し込みください. Subject先頭に「DPS141/GN73/EIP46」をご記入ください. 電子メールの宛先: dps141【アット】ipsjdps.org 【アット】を @ に変換してください プログラム担当: 乃村能成(DPS),金子聡(GN),谷口展郎(EIP) ご応募の際には下記必要事項を記入の上, 上記プログラム担当宛に送付して下さい. ------------------------------------------------------ 【DPS/GN/EIP 2009年11月研究会】 1. 発表を希望する研究会: (DPS/GN/EIP) (該当以外を削除してください) 2. 論文名: 3. 著者名および所属(全員: 発表者に○): 4. 論文概要(2〜3行): 5. キーワード(プログラム編成のため): 6. 推薦論文への推薦希望: 希望する 希望しない (不要な方を削除してください) 7. 連絡先(ご案内送付用の代表者) - 連絡者名: - 連絡者住所: - 電話番号: - FAX番号: - e-mail: 8. メーリングリストへの登録について: DPS研究会メーリングリストへの登録希望: あり/なし GN研究会メーリングリストへの登録希望: あり/なし (不要な方を削除してください) ------------------------------------------------------- 照会先: 電子メールの宛先: dps141【アット】ipsjdps.org 【アット】を @ に変換してください (参考) 発表申し込みをいただきました方には,後日学会事務局から原稿の依頼をさせ ていただきます.(上記申し込み書,第7項の方にご連絡します.) カメラレディの締め切りは研究会開催日のおおよそ3週間前に設定されます. なお,平成21年度より,研究報告が完全オンライン化され,原稿が横長ス タイルに変わっていますのでご注意ください.詳細については以下の URLをご参照ください. http://www.ipsj.or.jp/09sig/kenkyukai/genko.html 原稿仕上がり枚数は,原則として 6から 8ページ程度とします.研究報 告用PDF原稿等のご提出先は三美印刷になります.ご承知おきください. (注意事項) 研究報告の完全オンライン化に伴い,研究発表当日の資料は,開催の1週 間前に情報処理学会電子図書館 (BookPark) に掲載されます.そのため, 研究報告に掲載される論文の公知日は,研究発表会の開催日初日の1週間 前となります.特許申請の扱い等の際にはご注意ください.詳細につい ては以下のURLをご参照ください. http://www.ipsj.or.jp/03somu/kinen_jigyo/50anv/d-library/dl-sig.html ---- GNGNGN(〜2009.9.26)============================================ 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE 2010) Mobile Social Media for Learning and Education in Formal and Informal Settings April 12-16, 2010 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan hosted by National Central University (Taiwan) http://wmute2010.cl.ncu.edu.tw/ (IEEE Computer Society Sponsorship solicited) General Conference Chairs: Tak-Wai Chan, National Central University, Taiwan Demetrios Sampson, University of Piraeus, Greece Program Chairs: Ulrich Hoppe, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Roy Pea, Stanford University, USA Chen-Chung Liu, National Central University, Taiwan Call for Papers Based on shared research interests between the two communities, IEEE WMUTE (International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education) and IEEE DIGITEL (International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning) conference 2010 will be jointly held in Kaohsiung Taiwan. Participants of both conferences will be able to interact and exchange ideas which we hope can stimulate more exciting ideas for future research. The scope of WMUTE 2010 will cover but not be limited to: * Mobile social media * User experiences in mobile social media creation and collaboration * Specific roles for video in mobile learning and working * Theories and applications for modeling collaboration in mobile environments * Emerging mobile video development platforms and user interfaces * Context-aware learning environments and mobile social media applications * Open educational resources for WMUTE * Mobile video story-telling and communities * Human-computer interaction aspects of technology-enriched classrooms * Mobile and ubiquitous computing support for collaborative learning * Mobile Web 2.0 applications for learning and teaching * Learning scenarios with wireless sensor networks * Small-screen interface design * Mobile collaborative learning systems * Implementation of learning models exploiting one-to-one technology * New devices for learning and instruction * Game-based learning with ubiquitous and one-to-one technologies * Adaptive and adaptable learning environments using mobile and ubiquitous devices * Agent support for ubiquitous learning and one-to-one classroom settings * Architectures and infrastructures for one-to-one classroom settings * Methods of interaction analysis in mobile and ubiquitous learning scenarios * Evaluation and evaluation methodologies for WMUTE Submission deadline: September 26th, 2009, for all submissions Submissions types: Full papers: 8 pages Short papers: 5 pages Posters: 3 pages Workshop proposals: 2 pages Panel Proposals: 2 pages Tutorial proposals: 2 pages ---- GNGNGN(〜2009.9.30)============================================ グループウェアとネットワーク研究会の皆様 香川大学の垂水です。下記の教員募集を開始しました。若くて優秀な皆様の 積極的なご応募をお待ちしています。 「グループウェア」のキーワードが入ってます! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 教員公募要項  香川大学工学部 1.学科名  信頼性情報システム工学科 2.専門分野・職務内容  情報工学分野、特に、メディア情報学・データベースにおける教育研究 (情報環境コース担当) 3.募集人員  講師(任期なし)または助教(任期5年、再任1回可)1名 4.応募資格  博士または Ph.D. の学位を有し(または取得見込み)、メディア情報学・データ ベースの分野、特にデータベース、グループウェア、Web 情報システム、およびこれ らの安全性や応用の分野において職種にふさわしい研究業績を有すること。メディア 情報学・データベースおよび関連分野の講義および演習科目(例えば、データベース、 インターネット、ヒューマンインタフェース、システムソフトウェア、情報編集、プ ログラミング等)を担当できること。講師の場合は、全学共通科目の担当ができるこ と。助教の場合は、採用時に学位取得後5年以内が望ましい。 5.採用予定年月日  平成22年4月1日(木) 6.提出書類  履歴書、研究業績リスト、主要論文の別刷(コピー可)及びその概要、研究活動報 告書、本学部における教育研究の抱負等、応募者について問合せ可能な方のリスト (提出書類の記入要領は別紙のとおり) 7.応募期限  平成21年 9月30日(水)(必着) 8.送付先  〒761−0396 高松市林町2217番20 香川大学工学部長 伊藤 寛 (「信頼性情報システム工学科教員応募書類在中」と朱書のうえ、郵送の場合は書留 にて送付下さい。) 9.問合せ先  高松市林町2217番20 香川大学工学部庶務係 TEL:087−864−2008 FAX:087−864−2032 E−mail:shomu[at]eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp 10.ホームページ  香川大学工学部 http://www.kagawa-u.ac.jp/kagawa-u_eng/  本募集要項および別紙 http://bit.ly/3jmwRU 11.その他   書類選考のうえ、面接を10月25日(日)に実施予定。 ---- GNGNGN(〜2009.12.19)============================================ トラストに関する国際会議IFIPTM2010のご案内をさせて頂きます。 本会議は、以前iTrustと呼ばれていた会議で、従来、社会学、心理学、経済学等 の分野で学際的に研究されてきたトラストをコンピュータサイエンスの観点から 捉えようとする研究者が集まります。情報系ではまだ新しい分野ですので、皆様 の積極的なご参加ご投稿をお待ちしております。 本会議投稿締切:2009年12月19日(土) 日程: 2010年6月14日(月)-15日(火) チュートリアル,ワークショップ 2010年6月16日(水)-18日(金) 本会議 会場: いわて県民情報交流センター アイーナ (JR盛岡駅より徒歩4分) 会議の直前の土曜にはチャグチャグ馬コ(http://www.vill.takizawa.iwate.jp/chag) が開催されるなど,盛岡の魅力をご堪能頂ける絶好の時期です. ぜひともご投稿をご検討下さい.よろしくお願いいたします. ====== IFIPTM 2010 ===== Call For Papers ===== Fourth IFIP International Conference on Trust Management Morioka, Japan, June 16-18, 2010 http://www.ifip-tm2010.org/ Important dates - Papers: * Submission deadline: December 19, 2009 * Notification of acceptance: February 19, 2010 * Camera-ready due: March 5, 2010 - Posters and Demonstrations: * Submission deadline: February 26, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2010 - Tutorials and Workshops: * Submission deadline: January 15, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2010 IFIPTM2010 Events: Regular paper sessions Short paper sessions Poster presentations Demonstrations Tutorials Workshops The mission of the IFIPTM 2010 Conference is to share research solutions to problems of Trust and Trust management, including related Security and Privacy issues, and to identify new issues and directions for future research and development work. IFIPTM 2010 invites submissions presenting novel research on all topics related to Trust, Security and Privacy, including but not limited to those listed below: * Trust models, formalization, specification, analysis and reasoning * Reputation systems and architectures * Engineering of trustworthy and secure software * Ethics, sociology and psychology of trust * Security management and usability issues including security configuration * Trust management frameworks for secure collaborations * Language security * Security, trust and privacy for service oriented architectures and composite applications * Security, trust and privacy for software as a service (SaaS) * Security, trust and privacy for Web 2.0 Mashups * Security, privacy, and trust as a service * Legal issues related to the management of trust * Semantically-aware security management * Adaptive security policy management * Mobile security * Anonymity and privacy vs. accountability * Critical infrastructure protection, public safety and emergency management * Privacy and identity management in e-services * Biometrics, national ID cards, identity theft * Robustness of trust and reputation systems * Distributed trust and reputation management systems * Human computer interaction aspects of privacy, security & trust * Applications of trust and reputation management in e-services * Trusted platforms and trustworthy systems IFIPTM 2010 welcomes submissions of papers on any topic related to the IFIPT TM themes of trust, security and privacy and the topics mentioned above. Submitted papers must not exceed 16 pages in length, including bibliography and well-marked appendices. Submission will be through the IFIPTM 2010 website. Please use the LNCS templates and style files available from http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72377-0 . Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings, to be published by Springer in the series of “IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT)” under the auspices of the IFIP WG 11.11 on Trust Management. Submissions must be in English and conform to the "Springer LNCS Series" format since the IFIP AICT templates are not yet fully ready. Papers accepted as short papers will be presented at the IFIPTM2010 main conference. Short papers will be limited to 8 pages in length (including bibliography and well-marked appendices), and will be published in locally printed proceedings with an official ISSN number. See details below regarding the submission of posters, tutorials, demonstrations and proposals for organizing specialized workshops, ________________________ Call for Posters IFIPTM 2010 welcomes submissions of posters that focus on any relevant topic under the theme Trust, Security and Privacy. Posters can e.g. present student projects (Bachelor, Master’s or PhD) or any other relevant study, idea or project. Posters should be visually easy to read, e.g. combining text and diagrams for illustration instead of only text. Posters will be presented in poster-style (i.e. interactive presentation) at the IFIPTM 2010 demo booth. Posters should be a single page in A1 format. The accompanying poster paper should be formatted using the same format as specified for main conference papers, and should not exceed 4 pages in length including bibliography and well-marked appendices. Poster papers will be published in locally printed proceedings with an official ISSN number. Important dates: * Submission deadline: February 26, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2010 * Camera-ready posters and poster papers due: April 30, 2010 ________________________ Call for Demonstrations Demonstrations should demonstrate to attendees, innovative solutions to major and significant topics addressed by the conference. Demonstrations should exhibit new research results and projects, industrial products, explore new business models, or illustrate new governmental frameworks and policies. They should allow members of the community to interactively discover and explore new paradigms or solutions through motivated examples. A description of the demonstration must be submitted as a document of up to 4 pages in length. The description can consist of slides, in which case 8 slides (assuming 2 slides per page) is the maximum length. Demonstrator Proposals: * Submission deadline: February 26, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: March 5, 2010 * Camera-ready of demonstration description due: April 30, 2010 * Demonstrations: June 17-18, 2010 ________________________ Call for Tutorials Tutorials should survey, explain and discuss research works and projects, industrial products and markets, or governmental frameworks and policies. They should allow members of the community to interactively gain specialist knowledge or skills, discover new paradigms or problematics through motivated examples, compare existing approaches and concepts, and possibly put them in practice. Tutorials should cover a varied range of issues and not be used to promote a single research approach or a product. Tutorial descriptions should consist of the title, abstract, contents, target audience, and tutor bio. Tutorial Proposals: * Submission deadline: January 15, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2010 * Tutorial notes due: May 10, 2010 * Tutorials: June 14-15, 2010 __________________________ Call for Workshops Workshops should stimulate and facilitate an atmosphere of active and constructive exchange on current issues of interest. They should allow members of the community to compare and discuss approaches, methods, and concepts about specific topics addressed by the conference. Workshop Proposals: * Submission deadline: January 15, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2010 * Camera-ready of workshop papers due: April 30, 2010 * Workshops: June 14-15, 2010 _______________________ === Organizing Committee === Conference Co-chairs: * Yuko Murayama, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan * Stephen Marsh, Communications Research Centre, Canada Technical program Co-chairs: * Audun Josang, University of Oslo, Norway * Masakatsu Nishigaki, Shizuoka University, Japan Advisory Committee: * Yoichi Shinoda, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan * Ryoichi Sasaki, Tokyo Denki University, Japan * Eiji Okamoto, University of Tsukuba, Japan * Koji Nakao, KDDI Corp., Japan * Katsuya Uchida, Institute of Information Security, Japan * Kenzo Itoh, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan Workshop Co-chairs: * Justin Zhan, CMU, U.S.A * Hiroaki Kikuchi, Tokai University, Japan Tutorial Chair: * Ayako Komatsu, Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Japan Demonstration Chair: * Katsumi Takahashi, NTT Corp., Japan Publications Co-chairs: * Tetsutaro Uehara, Kyoto University, Japan * Kanta Matsuura, The University of Tokyo, Japan Local Organization Co-chairs: * Yasuhiro Fujihara, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan * Norihisa Segawa, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan Registration Co-chairs: * Masato Terada, Hitachi Ltd., Japan * Toyoo Takata, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan Publicity Co-chairs: * Yuji SUGA, Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ), Japan * Hidema Tanaka, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan Liaison Co-chairs: * Masayuki Terada, NTT Docomo, Inc., Japan * Kozo Noaki, NTT Docomo, Inc., Japan Website Co-chairs: * Yoshia Saito, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan * Kentarou Yamaguchi, Institute of Information Security, Japan ________________________ === Program Committee === * Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA * Gary Bolton, Pennsylvania State University, USA * L. Jean Camp, Indiana University at Bloominton, USA * Licia Capra, University College London, UK * Cristiano Castelfranchi, ISTC-CNR, Italy * Christian Damsgaard Jensen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark * Anupam Datta, Carnegie Mellon University, USA * Chrysanthos Dellarocas, University of Maryland, USA * Theo Dimitrakos, BT Group CTO, UK * Pierpaolo Dondio, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland * Naranker Dulay, Imperial College London, UK * Sandro Etalle, T.U. Eindhoven and University of Twente, The Netherlands * Rino Falcone, ISTC-CNR, Italy * Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy * Giusella Finocchiaro, University of Bologna, Italy * Jennifer Golbeck, University of Maryland, USA * Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany * Elizabeth Gray, Accenture, USA * Ehud Gudes, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel * Jochen Haller, SAP Research, Germany * Peter Herrmann, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway * Kevin Hoffman, Purdue University, USA * Steffen Huck, University College London, UK * Roslan Ismail, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia * Valerie Issarny, INRIA, France * James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA * Yuecel Karabulut, Office of the CTO, SAP, USA * Gunter Karjoth, IBM, Switzerland * Reid Kerr, University of Waterloo, Canada * Claudia Keser, University of Goettingen, Germany * Hiroaki Kikuchi, Tokai University, Japan * Mark Kramer MITRE, USA * Adam J. Lee, University of Pittsburgh, USA * Ninghui Li, Purdue University, USA * Tie-Yan Liu, Microsoft Research, China * Stephane Lo Presti, Brunel University, UK * Emiliano Lorini, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT), France * Xixi Luo, Beihang University, China * Fabio Massacci, University of Trento, Italy * Kanta Matsuura, University of Tokyo, Japan * D. Harrison McKnight, Michigan State University, USA * Walter Quattrociocchi, ISTC-CNR, Italy * Mark Ryan, University of Birmingham, UK * Jordi Sabater-Mir, IIIA - CSIC, Spain * Kent Seamons, Brigham Young University, USA * Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva, Switzerland * Simon Shiu, HP Labs, UK * Joel Snyder, Opus One, USA * Jessica Staddon, PARC, USA * Ketil Stolen, SINTEF & University of Oslo, Norway * Vipin Swarup, MITRE, USA * Kenji Takahashi, NTT Corp., Japan * Sotirios Terzis, University of Strathclyde, UK * Mahesh Tripunitara, University of Waterloo, Canada * Tetsutaro Uehara, University of Kyoto, Japan * William H. Winsborough, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA * Marianne Winslett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA * Danfeng Yao, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA ---- GNGNGN(〜2010.4.8)============================================ http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint10/ CALL FOR PAPERS : SAINT2010 The 10th Annual IEEE/IPSJ Symposium on Applications and the Internet Seoul, KOREA, July 19-23, 2010 http://www.saintconference.org/ Co-located with: The 34th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2010) Co-sponsored by: the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) and the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Technically sponsored by: IEEE-CS IT Professional Specific Topic for SAINT2010 Future Internet and Applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Symposium Paper Submission: January 31, 2010 Symposium Author Notification: March 31, 2010 Symposium Final Manuscript and Authors Registration Due: April 30, 2010 (ONE and FULL Registration per ONE paper) Workshop Proposals: November 15, 2009 Workshop Call for Papers: December 15, 2009 Workshop Paper Submission: February 28, 2010 Workshop Author Notification: March 31, 2010 Workshop Final Manuscript and Authors Registration Due: April 30, 2010 (ONE and FULL Registration per ONE paper) Student Paper Submission: April 8, 2010 Student Author Notification: April 22, 2010 Student Final Manuscript and Authors Registration Due: April 30, 2010 (ONE and STUDENT Registration per ONE paper) Panel Proposals: December 15, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THEME : The Inclusive Internet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Researchers are encouraged to submit papers related to theme of this year: The Inclusive Internet: The Internet has revolutionized and changed the way we communicate, socialize, entertain, access information and conduct business. It has evolved into a pervasive ecosystem of connected computers, mobile devices, sensors, home appliances, and a variety of other gadgets. This evolution has led to a deep intertwining of the physical, social and digital worlds, raising new research agendas and challenging our understanding of the requirements for a vastly interconnected world. The theme for SAINT2010 is the Inclusive Internet. The advent of Web 2.0, social networks, open API's, mash-ups and cloud computing are empowering Internet users into becoming Internet "makers." Anyone and everyone is included, free to contribute content and even services. The frontier of the Internet no longer stops at the shores of large corporations, small businesses, and online stores. It has expanded to include the presence and contributions of virtually all mankind. The symposium provides a forum for researchers and practitioners from the academic, industrial, public and governmental sectors to share their latest innovations on Internet technologies and applications. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to: A. Internet Application Areas: *Content Management: semi-structured data, information integration, search and retrieval, data mining, semantic web, mobile and local search. *Content Delivery: media streaming, web caching, QoS, universal access and interfacing *Web Services: architecture & middleware, information agents, brokering and negotiation, service discovery, service composition, mash-ups, context-aware services. *Collaboration: fixed, mobile & ad-hoc groupware, social network software, trust & IPR technologies. *Internet communities: peer-to-peer platforms and applications, folksonomies, protocols for self-organizing communities, social networks. *Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing: smart space architecture and middleware, sensor networks and sensor web, pervasive programming models and tools, content adaptation, location-based services, mobile transactions, personalization, mobile service discovery & delivery. *E-Business: Internet-based workflow, virtual enterprises, B2B, auctioning systems *Other Social Applications: E-science, E-education, E-learning, E-entertainment, E-health, E-government, E-inclusion, etc. B. Enabling technologies for the Internet: *Software Architectures: service-oriented architectures, peer-to-peer and overlay networks, mobile agents, very large scale server systems, GRID computing, virtualization, cloud computing. *Standards: including XML, WSDL, WSFL, ebXML, Java, JXTA, .NET, EchoNet, SODA, etc. *Internet Security: architecture, threats, detection, authentication/ authorization, countermeasures, trust models, privacy, others. *Network and Protocol Architectures: routing, performance, ad-hoc, sensor and mobile networks, broadband wireless access, IPv6. *Information Appliances: smart phones, PDAs, mobile Internet device, sensor platforms, RFID based and embedded computers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Submission and Reviews ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Symposium paper submission will be done electronically. Information for prospective authors, including paper format and instructions can be found on the SAINT Web page. Symposium Papers will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, and SAINT has been keeping its acceptance ratio less than 30% from the beginning. Workshop papers will be sent to each Workshop's Organizers and should be reviewed by each Workshop's Program Committee, taking account of a reasonable acceptance ratio. No simultaneous submission to multiple publication venues are allowed, and only original results are acceptable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Publications ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Proceedings of the Symposium and the Workshops will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. At least one full registration is required for publication of Symposium and Workshops Proceedings. It should be noted that any paper of Symposium/Workshop Proceedings will not be included in the IEEE-CS digital library if no presentation is made without reasonable notification. Accepted papers will be indexed through INSPEC and EI Index. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Paper Award ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A best paper and student best papers will be selected and recognized by the Program Committee and the Awards Chairs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Publication ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a plan to invite several authors to provide revised papers for a special issue on Future Internet and Applications of IEEE-CS IT Professional. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshops and Panels Proposals ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Full- and/or half-day workshop and panel proposals related to SAINT theme are solicited. Workshop proposals should be submitted to Workshops Chairs. After the review of proposals, the accepted Workshop Call For Papers must be sent to the Workshop Chairs. Workshops Call For Papers will then be announced on the SAINT web page. Panel proposals should be submitted to Panel Chairs. E-mail addresses for submission will be announced later at the SAINT Web page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Student Sessions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Student Session will provide an international forum for graduate students to interact with faculty mentors and other researchers. It will strive to provide constructive guidance for completion of the proposed research and motivation for a research career. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message to Industry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SAINT has been one of the major forums to discuss the state of the art Internet-related technologies for not only academia but also industry. SAINT2010 is considering an opportunity where industry will be able to make an appeal of new technologies. Please keep a close watch on the SAINT web page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ■GN研究会では,このメーリングリストへの登録を受付中です.  お近くに登録希望の方がいらっしゃいましたら,下記のアドレスに参加  希望のメールをお送りください.      宛先: owner-gwmember[at]mos.ics.keio.ac.jp ★このニュースレターに関するご意見は,E-Mail で下記のアドレスへお願い  します.      宛先: owner-gwmember[at]mos.ics.keio.ac.jp ★登録削除を希望される場合は,E-Mail で下記のアドレスへお願いします.      宛先: owner-gwmember[at]mos.ics.keio.ac.jp IPSJ-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-GN-IPSJ-GN