Interactive human-robot interface for kinesthetic task-level-programming of robot arm
○アレクシス オルガド,ギエルモ エンリケズ,橋本周司(早大)
Task-level-programming intends to abstract the final user from interacting with low-level hardware components, offering a more intuitive way of programming robots. The idea relies on the concept of Tasks and Actions. Actions group low-level hardware commands, while groups of Actions form a Task. Although simplified from traditional programming methods, the complete sequence of programming a Task is still time consuming and requires a lot of manual input from the user. This paper presents a human-robot interface for task-level-programming that focuses on robot arms and a single and continuous kinesthetic demonstration; thus, simplifying and shortening the Task programming process as a whole. Our system performs segmentations of the input trajectory, assigning pieces of trajectory to each Action. Then the system starts an interactive communication with the user-teacher to refine further needed parameters. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed HRI system an experiment was conducted on a group of people with varying robotics experience.