Nocturnal Life Style and Short Healthy Life Expectancy: Physiological Big Data Project, Allostatic State Mapping by Ambulatory ECG Repository (ALLSTAR)
○湯田恵美,吉田 豊(名古屋市大)
Allostatic State Mapping by Ambulatory ECG Repository (ALLSTAR) is a physiological big data project in which 24-hr electrocardiogram and physical activities measured by three-dimensional accelerometer have been collected from all over Japan since 2008. In the present study, we analyzed the diurnal distributions of body postures in 19,345 men (age, 65 ± 17 yr) and 23,985 women (67 ± 17 yr) in ALLSTAR database and compared them with the inter-prefecture ranking of healthy life expectancy (HALE) reported by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2013. When the subjects were divided into upper, middle, and lower tertiles according to the HALE ranking of the prefecture they lived, the distribution of time in the lying position differed among HALE tertiles so that both go-to-bed and get-up times started earlier in prefectures in the upper tertile and delayed in the lower tertile. Our observations suggest that nocturnal life style may be associated with shorter HALE.

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