情報処理学会 第77回全国大会 会期:2015年3月17日~19日 会場:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 情報処理学会 第77回全国大会 会期:2015年3月17日~19日 会場:京都大学 吉田キャンパス
Zide Du(China Computer Federation CEO)
Why the CCF is Unique?

会場:第1イベント会場(百周年時計台記念館 1F 百周年記念ホール)

【講演概要】As other Chinese Non-Profit Organizations, ten years ago, China Computer Federation (CCF) was also affiliated to an institute, no individual membership, no open election, no awards, no big impact activities, small number of income……The CCF started it reformation in 2004 after the national representative congress. It has more than 24000 individual members; CCF Communications (CCCF) is monthly published; China National Computer Congress (CNCC) attracts more than 3000 participants from all of the countries and foreign countries; Advanced Disciplines Lectures (ADL), a high level technical lectures, contains 10 times a year; 35 Technical Committees, 25 branches for young professionals (YOCSEF), 24 city membership chapters and 18 student chapters. In additional to this, CCF created 12 awards. The president and the board members of the society are elected by member representatives in the democratic ways and quite open. It has built up very clear governing structure, executive body and oversight committee. The CCF has close cooperation with IEEE CS and ACM. Now the CCF is quite different from other Chinese societies, also a flagship of the CAST (China Association of Science and Technology). It was awarded as an “Advanced Social Organization of China” by China government in 2010. The presentation will tell some stories in past ten years.

【略歴】He got his bachelor degree on computer science in January of 1981 at Beijing University of Science and Technology; and master degree on computer architecture and organization in August of 1984 at Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 1988 to 1989, he worked at Twente University, the Netherlands as a visiting scholar. Since 1996, he has been working for China Computer Federation (CCF), as a full time staff member. After working for the CCF as a deputy secretary general for eight years, he has been working for the CCF as Secretary General (CEO) since 2004, being charge of all business of the society. He is the president of China National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), a serial competition for high school students. In 2005, he was elected as the first IOI PRESIDENT by the IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics) General Assembly. Before this time, he worked for International Committee of the IOI for eight years. In 2010 he was offered Distinguished Service Award by the IOI in Canada. From 2006, he has been leading China Engineering Education Accreditation in Computing as Executive Director, cooperating with the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, USA). From 2008, he has been also taking the Secretary General of Standing Committee on Information and Communications, World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), as a voluntary.