情報処理学会第75回全国大会 会期:2013年3月6日(水)~8日(金) 会場:名古屋工業大学 情報処理学会 第75回全国大会ホームページ 情報処理学会第75回全国大会 会期:2013年3月6日(水)~8日(金) 会場:名古屋工業大学
David Alan Grier(IEEE Computer Society President)
Crowdsourcing, Social Computing and the New Methods of Computer Science
会場:第1イベント会場 (マルチメディア教育研究棟 2F M206)
【講演概要】Crowdsourcing is a relatively new branch of social computing. It is a means of organizing production using market mechanisms in the place of traditional corporate structures. It is usually considered to be one aspect of the research on Collective Intelligence, the study of how to utilize the combined knowledge of a large social group. In fact, it illustrates the flexible and adaptive nature of Computer Science by showing how this field has regularly borrowed ideas from other areas of intellectual endeavor. In encountering Crowdsourcing, computer science has had to embrace the methods of market based management. In doing this, it has been force to look beyond its original basis in the deterministic models of Turing, von Neumann and others. By their nature, human crowds are not deterministic machines, though they can be disciplined to behave in a deterministic fashion. As a result, the computer science of crowdsourcing deals not only with the activities that can be automated but also with those that cannot and it must try to manage the board between these two classes of work.

【略歴】David Alan Grier is the 2013 President of the IEEE Computer Society and is the author of When Computers Were Human (Princeton 2005), Too Soon To Tell (Wiley 2009) and The Company We Keep (IEEE/Computer Society 2012). He is an associate Professor at the George Washington University in Washington DC and is a third generation computer scientist: His father joined Univac in 1956 and his grandmother studied mathematics at the University of Michigan (class of 1921) and was training in the methods of human computation.