FIT2016 第15回情報科学技術フォーラム 開催日:2016年9月7日(水)~9日(金) 会場:富山大学キャンパス
A Comparison Between Enhanced Edge Detectors
Wafaa Eid・齊藤 剛(Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Edge detection is a fundamental tool in computer vision. It is often used in image processing and feature extraction. Enhancing the edge detector can affect the overall result of the system. This research presents a comparison between commonly used edge detectors such as Canny, Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts cross, Laplacian of Gaussian, and the usage of Gabor filter as an edge detector. A morphological edge enhancement method is used as a post process to enhance the results of these edge detectors. Pratt’s figure of merit is used as an evaluation method. The results of the enhanced edge detectors have improved.