FIT2015第14回情報科学技術フォーラム 開催日:2015年9月15日(火)~17日(木) 会場:愛媛大学城北キャンパス
Yoshinaga et al. have continued to survey students in the first semester of 2013 as to the degree of computer literacy demonstrated before and after taking a course in "computer exercises" offered. The students are asked questions relating to specific operations of the three software applications and possible responses are limited to 'Yes' and 'No'.
In relation to lectures based on practical exercises, the evaluation of the course differed from student to student.
By using the KH Coder, and analyzing the students 'responses in free writing after taking exercises, the aim of this survey was to reveal in greater depth the students 'feeling in relation to their sense of achievement and/or discontent with the course.