Call for Papers of SAINT2008 Workshop(8)

* New: The paper submission deadline has been extended to March 12.

Broadband Services and Communications for Mass Transit Systems

In Conjunction with SAINT2008
Turku, Finland
July 28- August 1, 2008

Call for Paper: (PDFversion) | (TEXT version)


Because of the recent wide penetration of broadband access in offices and homes, people are being used to benefit from such services as P2P file sharing, thin client system, and video streaming. Now, demand for accessing the same services away from the offices and homes is rapidly increasing.

For the people traveling alone, 3G cellular phones and/or WiMAX seems to be promising solution. For mass transit systems such as Shinkansen, a high-speed railway lines in Japan, however, it is still not clear how to ensure enough bandwidth for the large number of people traveling by such systems.

This workshop addresses the technology to offer enough bandwidth for mass transit systems, as well as configuration of broadband services for mass transit systems, and better use of communication infrastructure built along roads or railway tracks.

Suggested topics for the workshop include but not limited to:


Workshop papers should be within 4 pages, no extra page is allowed. The Proceedings of the Symposium and the Workshops will be published, in separated volumes, by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Please follow the instruction on the web below where authors can find Page Form and appropriate pointers for LaTeX Macros. -> Information for Authors


Paper submission due: March 1, 2008 March 12, 2008
Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2008
Camera-ready copies due: May 1, 2008
Author registration due: TBD
Workshop: July 28 - August 1, 2008 (exact date is TBD)


Workshop papers should be within 4 pages, no extra page is allowed. The Proceedings of the Symposium and the Workshops will be published, in separated volumes, by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Please mail your submission to <>


It is the IEEE policy that accepted papers can be published only when IEEE recognized that at least one author has registered for presentation. So, authors will be requested to register along with the final manuscript. SAINT Conference Registration fees include a copy of the Conference proceedings, a copy of the Workshop proceedings, and admission to the Conference/Workshop sessions.


The date and length (a full or half day) of the Workshop will be decided by SAINT2008 Organizing Committee taking account of the number submitted of papers, and be notified on the SAINT2008 web. Please also note that, according to the SAINT2008 Organizing Committee, the Workshop is subject to cancellation when the number submitted of papers will not be enough.