Call for Papers of SAINT2008 Workshop(4) - SPMS 2008

The 4th Workshop on Next Generation Service Platforms for Future Mobile Systems (SPMS 2008)

In Conjunction with SAINT2008
Turku, Finland
July 28- August 1, 2008

Call for Paper: (PDFversion) | (TEXT version)


The enormous success of the Internet results to a large extent from the flexible and easy to use platform it provides to create innovative services and applications that quickly find acceptance and customers. In parallel to the Internet, mobile communications also has evolved to an integral component in our everyday life providing a growing variety of services. Industry is pushing new standards that allow high data rate multimedia applications as well as seamless communication across heterogeneous radio and network technologies. The success of the next generation mobile telecommunication systems will again depend on the services and applications that can be provided. These future systems are expected to integrate the paradigms of traditional mobile telecommunication systems with the Internet protocols and software engineering methods. New paradigms will emerge. For example, the customer acceptance is considered to be widely increased by tailoring services and applications to actual user needs, their preferences and the context a user is in. Ubiquitous services receive increased user acceptance (e.g., Peer-to-Peer). A well engineered next generation service platform should provide all capabilities to allow innovative services to be created and deployed in short time addressing user needs. Third party interfaces allow a chaining of expertise in service provisioning. Semantic technologies may help to structure knowledge about the user environment.

Researchers and developers are invited to submit original unpublished papers in the following areas:

This workshop is supported by the WWRF (wireless World research Forum), especially the working group 2 on Service Architecture and is open to contributions from all experts in service technologies from industry and academia, including bodies such as the eMobility, WWRF, but not being limited to those. The Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) is an organization working towards the next generation of mobile communication systems. It represents more than 140 member organizations (including companies, universities, and research institutes). Those bodies have dedicated working groups to the architecture/platform challenge. This workshop will be the unique opportunity to discuss service architecture/platform issues on a highly international level with experts from these bodies.


For details see:
Information for Authors, i.e., page limit (4 pages max!) and format of a manuscript, can be found here (
The Proceedings of the Symposium and the Workshops will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. There are plans to invite several authors to provide revised papers for special issues of IEEE-CS or IPSJ magazines and journals.


Workshop Paper Submission: March 1, 2008, please email paper to:
Workshop Final Manuscript: May 1, 2008