SAINT2007, Hiroshima, JAPAN, January 15-19, 2007

Call for Papers of SAINT2007 Workshop(9)

Internet Measurement Technology and its Applications to Building Next Generation Internet

Technical Co-Sponsored by
Communications Society Japan Chapter

(TEXT version)

Important Dates: (Paper submission deadline has been extended!)

The prospective authors MUST submit the abstract with the title and the author names of the final subimission UNTIL SEP. 22.

Theme of the Workshop:

The Internet is beginning to play a central role in the social and economic fabric of our global world, which needs to be managed in a reliable and efficient way, and thus should be measurable and tractable in terms of its characteristics and internal states. Due to its huge scale, endless growth in size and diversity, and distributed administrations, however, reliable and accurate measurements on the Internet would be remarkably difficult. Although a number of measurement techniques (including these for wireless networks which are capturing an important part of the today's Internet) have been proposed and experiment results reported, there still have remained much more to be solved for practically effective techniques, which should be combined with modeling, control, and management leading to better understanding, use, and design of the next generation Internet and its applications.

We believe this Workshop could provide a good opportunity to address the network measurement technology and its applications by sharing and exchanging new ideas, experimental results, useful tools, good practices, and new research demands among researchers, developers and operators with interactive in-depth discussion and active participation from all attendees. Reports of exciting early-stage work are welcome even if not so mature for the main conference. Original papers are solicited on topics including, but not limited to:

Paper Submission:

Papers should be sent to the following email address for submission as attached file in standard PDF format no later than September 27, 2006. Unprintable files will be automatically rejected without review. Email: After a review process by Organizers and Program Committee of the Workshop, authors of accepted papers will be requested to send its final manuscript to IEEE-CS press no later than November 1, 2006. So, authors are kindly requested to submit papers as early as possible to facilitate a review process.


It is the IEEE policy that accepted papers can be published only when IEEE recognized that at least one author has registered for presentation. So, authors will be requested to register along with the final manuscript. SAINT Conference Registration fees include a copy of the Conference proceedings, a copy of the Workshop proceedings, admission to the Conference/Workshop sessions.


The date and length (a full or half day) of the Workshop will be decided by SAINT2007 Organizing Committee taking account of the number submitted of papers, and be notified on the SAINT2007 web. Please also note that, according to the SAINT2007 Organizing Committee, the Workshop is subject to cancellation when the number submitted of papers will not be enough.


Program Committee for Paper Review: