SAINT2004, Tokyo Japan, January 26-30, 2004

Panels Information

Explicit registration is NOT required for Panels, and Conference registration fee includes admission to the Panels session.

Panel #1

The future of the Internet architecture

Panel #2

Ubiquitous Services and Networking

Panel #1

Panel Title :

The future of the Internet architecture

Panel Chair :

Dr. Jun-Ichiro "Itojun" Hagino
IIJ lab

Panelists :

James Kempf
DoCoMoLabs USA

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Pekka Nikander
Ericsson Research Nomadiclab

Hiroshi ESAKI
The University of Tokyo

Description :

As reported at the IAB open meeting during the 57th IETF meeting in Vienna in July 2003, the Internet architecture is facing a number of serious problems, including ones concerning limited scope addresses, mobility and multi-homing, zero configuration, and pressures on introducing a new name space. Some of the problems have been discussed at the IRTF Name Space Research Group (NSRG), some at the IETF IPv6 and Multi6 Working Groups, and some don't even have a clear home within the IETF.

At the same time, the research community has been active in looking at the future of Internet architecture. The NewArch project at UCS/ISI, MIT LCS and ICSI is one of the more prominent research projects, while there are a number of others. Perhaps another notable piece of research is represented by the Host Identity Protocol (HIP), which proposes adding a new name space and a new layer to the Internet architecture.

The purpose of the panel is to describe the current architectural problems, and introduce the audience with basic understanding of a few proposed solutions.

Panel #2

Panel Title :

Ubiquitous Services and Networking

Panel Chair :

Dr. Hiroyuki Morikawa
University of Tokyo

Panelists :

Roy H. Campbell
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Albert Krohn
TecO, University of Karlsruhe

Venu Vasudevan
Mobile Platforms and Services Lab, Motorola Labs

Kei Suzuki
Solution LSI Lab. Center, Hitachi Central Research Lab.

Kenichi Yamazaki
NTT DoCoMo Inc., Network Lab.

Description :

Given the remarkable development of micro-device technologies such as micro processor-chips, sensors and RF tags, we will soon see micro computing and communications devices being embedded in the objects around us, and even in the human body itself, for various every-day applications. Under this ubiquitous computing and communications environment, it is expected that an entirely new service class, which we call "ubiquitous services", will emerge based on "hyper networking" -- the connection of real-world context to cyber space. The ubiquitous services of the future should enhance the value of conventional communications services in the support of human life without imposing any stress on the user. The network infrastructure for these services may require capabilities beyond the Internet of today. To build this environment of ubiquitous services, we must overcome various technical and societal issues.

In the panel session, we will focus on how we can clarify the issues and discussing research directions for the future on topic areas including but not limited to the following: