User Defined Smart Grid Solution (addressing the challenges faced in off grid communities that rely on renewable energy solutions)
○Yusuf Oladipupo Bilesanmi,Ye Kyaw Thu,浦野義頼(早大)
In recent years, the smart grid has occupied the area of power and grid management research and indeed a lot of brilliant works have been done. There has been significant improvement in the development of smart meters, integration of renewable energy sources to the grid, viable 2 way communication models around energy transmission, distribution and consumption. Nevertheless, most these great works have been designed only for the improvement of traditional grids in developed countries and little or nothing has been designed to address the needs of people living in off grid communities that imbibe the use of stand-alone renewable energy solutions that are not properly managed and that results in blackouts more often than it solves the electricity challenges faced by the inhabitants of those communities. Our primary objective in this research is to address the challenges faced by communities living in off grid locations and rely on renewable energy sources of power for electricity. We will present our energy management solution which is self-aware (State of Charge), ability to distribute energy based on consumer patterns and make timely recommendations of electricity usage.