3月10日 13:00 - 14:00
Fran Allen
IBM名誉フェロー チューリング賞受賞者
Computers have traditionally used complex “cores” to manage and execute computations and, over the years, these computers have achieved ever increasing levels of performance. However fundamental limitations of size, heat and energy have emerged. To overcome these limitations complex cores are being displaced by multicores that are not only simpler and more numerous but can be used more flexibly. So what is the challenge?
Multicore computers are ushering in a new era of parallelism everywhere. As more cores are available, the potential performance of the system can increase at the traditional rate by the use of the inherent parallelism. Or can it? How will users and applications take advantage of all the parallelism? This talk will review some of the history of languages and compilers for high performance systems and consider opportunities for performance on multicore systems. The talk is intended to encourage the exploration of new approaches including how users will continue to code sequential for parallel systems.
Allen’s work focuses on compilers and languages that together enable both application performance and user productivity on high performance computers. The resulting advances have led to numerous awards for Allen including ACM’s Turing Award “For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of optimizing compiler techniques that laid the foundation for modern optimizing compilers and automatic parallel execution.” She is a member of the American Philosophical Society, the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, ACM, IEEE and the Computer History Museum and is the recipient of six honorary doctorates.